Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source
Hüser AT, Becker A, Brune I, Dondrup M, Kalinowski J, Plassmeier J, Pühler A, Wiegräbe I, Tauch A (2003)
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hüser, Andrea T.;
Becker, Anke;
Brune, IrisUniBi;
Dondrup, Michael;
Kalinowski, JörnUniBi;
Plassmeier, JensUniBi
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Wiegräbe, I.;
Tauch, AndreasUniBi

Abstract / Bemerkung
A DNA microarray was developed to analyse global gene expression of the amino acid-producing bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum. PCR products representing 93.4% of the predicted C. glutamicum genes were prepared and spotted in quadruplicate onto 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane-coated glass slides. The applicability of the C. glutamicum DNA microarray was demonstrated by co-hybridisation with fluorescently labelled cDNA probes. Analysis of the technical variance revealed that C. glutamicum genes detected with different intensities resulting in ratios greater than 1.52 or smaller than -1.52 can be regarded as differentially expressed with a confidence level of greater than 95%. In a validation example, we measured changes of the mRNA levels during growth of C. glutamicum with acetate and propionate as carbon sources. Acetate-grown C glutamicum cultures were used as reference. At the 95% confidence interval, 117 genes revealed increased transcript levels in the presence of propionate, while 43 genes showed a decreased expression compared with the acetate-grown culture. Global expression profiling confirmed the induction of the prpD2B2C2 gene cluster already known to be essential for propionate degradation via the 2-methylcitrate cycle. Besides many genes of unknown function, the paralogous prpD1B1C1 gene cluster as well as fasI-B (encoding fatty-acid synthase IB), dtsR1 and dtsR2 (components of acyl-CoA carboxylases), gluABCD (glutamate transport system), putP (proline transport system), and pyc (pyruvate carboxylase) showed significantly increased expression levels. Differential expression of these genes was confirmed by real-time reverse transcription (RT) PCR assays. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corynebacterium glutamicum;
DNA microarray;
genome sequence;
2-methylcitrate cycle;
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Hüser AT, Becker A, Brune I, et al. Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2003;106(2-3):269-286.
Hüser, A. T., Becker, A., Brune, I., Dondrup, M., Kalinowski, J., Plassmeier, J., Pühler, A., et al. (2003). Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 106(2-3), 269-286.
Hüser, Andrea T., Becker, Anke, Brune, Iris, Dondrup, Michael, Kalinowski, Jörn, Plassmeier, Jens, Pühler, Alfred, Wiegräbe, I., and Tauch, Andreas. 2003. “Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source”. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 106 (2-3): 269-286.
Hüser, A. T., Becker, A., Brune, I., Dondrup, M., Kalinowski, J., Plassmeier, J., Pühler, A., Wiegräbe, I., and Tauch, A. (2003). Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 106, 269-286.
Hüser, A.T., et al., 2003. Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, 106(2-3), p 269-286.
A.T. Hüser, et al., “Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source”, JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 106, 2003, pp. 269-286.
Hüser, A.T., Becker, A., Brune, I., Dondrup, M., Kalinowski, J., Plassmeier, J., Pühler, A., Wiegräbe, I., Tauch, A.: Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. 106, 269-286 (2003).
Hüser, Andrea T., Becker, Anke, Brune, Iris, Dondrup, Michael, Kalinowski, Jörn, Plassmeier, Jens, Pühler, Alfred, Wiegräbe, I., and Tauch, Andreas. “Development of a Corynebacterium glutamicum DNA microarray and validation by genome-wide expression profiling during growth with propionate as carbon source”. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY 106.2-3 (2003): 269-286.
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Identification and characterization of a bacterial transport system for the uptake of pyruvate, propionate, and acetate in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
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Microarray studies reveal a 'differential response' to moderate or severe heat shock of the HrcA- and HspR-dependent systems in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
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Functional genomics of pH homeostasis in Corynebacterium glutamicum revealed novel links between pH response, oxidative stress, iron homeostasis and methionine synthesis.
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The dual transcriptional regulator CysR in Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 controls a subset of genes of the McbR regulon in response to the availability of sulphide acceptor molecules.
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Response of the cytoplasmic and membrane proteome of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 to pH changes.
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The alternative sigma factor SigB of Corynebacterium glutamicum modulates global gene expression during transition from exponential growth to stationary phase.
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Erythromycin resistance-conferring plasmid pRSB105, isolated from a sewage treatment plant, harbors a new macrolide resistance determinant, an integron-containing Tn402-like element, and a large region of unknown function.
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The extracytoplasmic function-type sigma factor SigM of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 is involved in transcription of disulfide stress-related genes.
Nakunst D, Larisch C, Hüser AT, Tauch A, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., J Bacteriol 189(13), 2007
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Nakunst D, Larisch C, Hüser AT, Tauch A, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., J Bacteriol 189(13), 2007
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FarR, a putative regulator of amino acid metabolism in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Hänssler E, Müller T, Jessberger N, Völzke A, Plassmeier J, Kalinowski J, Krämer R, Burkovski A., Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 76(3), 2007
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Hänssler E, Müller T, Jessberger N, Völzke A, Plassmeier J, Kalinowski J, Krämer R, Burkovski A., Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 76(3), 2007
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Investigation of central carbon metabolism and the 2-methylcitrate cycle in Corynebacterium glutamicum by metabolic profiling using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Plassmeier J, Barsch A, Persicke M, Niehaus K, Kalinowski J., J Biotechnol 130(4), 2007
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The three tricarboxylate synthase activities of Corynebacterium glutamicum and increase of L-lysine synthesis.
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CoryneRegNet 4.0 - A reference database for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks.
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The DeoR-type transcriptional regulator SugR acts as a repressor for genes encoding the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) in Corynebacterium glutamicum.
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CoryneCenter - an online resource for the integrated analysis of corynebacterial genome and transcriptome data.
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The DtxR protein acting as dual transcriptional regulator directs a global regulatory network involved in iron metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Brune I, Werner H, Hüser AT, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Tauch A., BMC Genomics 7(), 2006
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CoryneRegNet: an ontology-based data warehouse of corynebacterial transcription factors and regulatory networks.
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Brune I, Becker A, Paarmann D, Albersmeier A, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Tauch A., J Biotechnol 127(1), 2006
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Brune I, Becker A, Paarmann D, Albersmeier A, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Tauch A., J Biotechnol 127(1), 2006
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Global gene expression during stringent response in Corynebacterium glutamicum in presence and absence of the rel gene encoding (p)ppGpp synthase.
Brockmann-Gretza O, Kalinowski J., BMC Genomics 7(), 2006
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DNA microarray analysis of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 reveals adaptation to different methanogenic substrates.
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Hovey R, Lentes S, Ehrenreich A, Salmon K, Saba K, Gottschalk G, Gunsalus RP, Deppenmeier U., Mol Genet Genomics 273(3), 2005
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Adaptation of Corynebacterium glutamicum to ammonium limitation: a global analysis using transcriptome and proteome techniques.
Silberbach M, Schäfer M, Hüser AT, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Krämer R, Burkovski A., Appl Environ Microbiol 71(5), 2005
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Silberbach M, Schäfer M, Hüser AT, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Krämer R, Burkovski A., Appl Environ Microbiol 71(5), 2005
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The McbR repressor modulated by the effector substance S-adenosylhomocysteine controls directly the transcription of a regulon involved in sulphur metabolism of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032.
Rey DA, Nentwich SS, Koch DJ, Rückert C, Pühler A, Tauch A, Kalinowski J., Mol Microbiol 56(4), 2005
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Rey DA, Nentwich SS, Koch DJ, Rückert C, Pühler A, Tauch A, Kalinowski J., Mol Microbiol 56(4), 2005
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Rational design of a Corynebacterium glutamicum pantothenate production strain and its characterization by metabolic flux analysis and genome-wide transcriptional profiling.
Hüser AT, Chassagnole C, Lindley ND, Merkamm M, Guyonvarch A, Elisáková V, Pátek M, Kalinowski J, Brune I, Pühler A, Tauch A., Appl Environ Microbiol 71(6), 2005
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Hüser AT, Chassagnole C, Lindley ND, Merkamm M, Guyonvarch A, Elisáková V, Pátek M, Kalinowski J, Brune I, Pühler A, Tauch A., Appl Environ Microbiol 71(6), 2005
PMID: 15933028
Functional genomics and expression analysis of the Corynebacterium glutamicum fpr2-cysIXHDNYZ gene cluster involved in assimilatory sulphate reduction.
Rückert C, Koch DJ, Rey DA, Albersmeier A, Mormann S, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., BMC Genomics 6(), 2005
PMID: 16159395
Rückert C, Koch DJ, Rey DA, Albersmeier A, Mormann S, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., BMC Genomics 6(), 2005
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DNA microarray analysis of the nitrogen starvation response of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
Silberbach M, Hüser A, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Walter B, Krämer R, Burkovski A., J Biotechnol 119(4), 2005
PMID: 15935503
Silberbach M, Hüser A, Kalinowski J, Pühler A, Walter B, Krämer R, Burkovski A., J Biotechnol 119(4), 2005
PMID: 15935503
The transcriptional regulator SsuR activates expression of the Corynebacterium glutamicum sulphonate utilization genes in the absence of sulphate.
Koch DJ, Rückert C, Albersmeier A, Hüser AT, Tauch A, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., Mol Microbiol 58(2), 2005
PMID: 16194234
Koch DJ, Rückert C, Albersmeier A, Hüser AT, Tauch A, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., Mol Microbiol 58(2), 2005
PMID: 16194234
Role of the ssu and seu genes of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 in utilization of sulfonates and sulfonate esters as sulfur sources.
Koch DJ, Rückert C, Rey DA, Mix A, Pühler A, Kalinowski J., Appl Environ Microbiol 71(10), 2005
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