27 Publikationen
2025 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2999865Within-subject reliability, occasion specificity, and validity of fluctuations of the Stroop and go/no-go tasks in ecological momentary assessmentPUB | PDF | DOI
Hachenberger J, Mayer A, Kerkhoff D, Eyssel F, Fries S, Lonsdorf TB, Zech H, Deserno L, Lemola S (2025)
Behavior Research Methods 57(1): 29. -
2025 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2999995Longitudinal relationships between coping strategies, cultural orientations, and mental health among young refugees from the Middle East in GermanyPUB | DOI | WoS
El-Awad U, Nilles H, Braig J, Schmees P, Kerkhoff D, Kilinc Y, Rueth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (2025)
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 105: 102126. -
2024 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2994130Associations of stressful life events with stress symptoms and well-being of adolescent refugees: mediation by post-migration stressors and protective resources?PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Lohaus A, Rüth J-E, El-Awad U, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Braig J, Schmees P, Eschenbeck H (2024)
Psychology & Health: 1-20. -
2024 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2993130Digital generation: the association between daily smartphone app use and well-beingPUB | DOI | WoS
Schenkel K, Nussbeck FW, Kerkhoff D, Scholz U, Keller J, Radtke T (2024)
Behaviour & Information Technology: 1-18. -
2024 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2992358Validation of the Japanese version of the scales of the attitudes toward people with epilepsy (SAPE-J).PUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Kuramochi I, Iwayama T, Shiganami T, Kobayashi S, Pfafflin M, Thorbecke R, Yoshimasu H, Mayer A, May T, Kerkhoff D (2024)
Epilepsia open. -
2023 | Preprint | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2985488Reliability, occasion specificity, and validity of the Stroop and Go/No-Go tasks in the ecological momentary assessment contextPUB | DOI
Hachenberger J, Mayer A, Kerkhoff D, Eyssel F, Fries S, Lonsdorf T, Zech HG, Deserno L, Lemola S (2023) . -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2982747Gender role attitudes and well-being of German and refugee adolescents—same or different?PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Nilles H, El-Awad U, Kerkhoff D, Braig J, Schmees P, Kilinc Y, Rüth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (2023)
BMC Psychiatry 23(1): 663. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2985945Religious Identity and its Relation to Health-Related Quality of Life and COVID-Related Stress of Refugee Children and Adolescents in GermanyPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Schmees P, Braig J, Kilinc Y, Nilles H, El-Awad U, Kerkhoff D, Demir Z, Rüth J-E, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2023)
Journal of Religion and Health. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2981244Health-related quality of life of young refugees in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic: comparisons to non-refugees and pre-pandemic timesPUB | DOI | WoS
Braig J, Schmees P, Kilinc Y, El-Awad U, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Rüth J-E, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2023)
Current Psychology. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2981948Estimation Quality and Required Sample Sizes in Three-Level Contextual Analysis ModelsPUB | DOI | WoS
Kerkhoff D, Nussbeck FW (2023)
Methodology : European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences 19(2): 133-151. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2979957Latent growth curve analyses of emotional awareness and emotion regulation in early and middle adolescencePUB | DOI
Rueth J-E, Kerkhoff D, Lohaus A (2023)
International Journal of Behavioral Development 47(4). -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2965621Personal and social resources in the context of adolescent sleepPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Werner A, Kater M-J, Kerkhoff D, Schlarb A, Lohaus A (2022)
Psychology & Health: 1-17. -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2969600Obtaining sound intraclass correlation and variance estimates in three-level models: The role of sampling-strategiesPUB | DOI | WoS
Kerkhoff D, Nussbeck FW (2022)
Methodology 18(1): 5-23. -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2961316Coping of Young Refugees in Germany Relations to Gender, Age, and Gender Role AttitudesPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS
Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Demir Z, Braig J, Schmees P, Rüth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (2022)
European Journal of Health Psychology 29(1): 15-25. -
2022 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Unveröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2962736What makes you think that? Gender Role Attitudes of Young Refugees in Germany and their Associations with Age, Gender, and Country of OriginPUB | PDF
Nilles H, El-Awad U, Kerkhoff D, Braig J, Schmees P, Kilinc Y, Rüth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (Unpublished)
Presented at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes. -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2961318Well-Being and Resources of Minors With Refugee Background in Comparison to Minors With Migration or Native BackgroundPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS
Schmees P, Braig J, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Demir Z, Rüth J-E, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2022)
European Journal of Health Psychology 29(1): 3-14. -
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2969660Evaluation of a 'Painting and Puzzles Exercise Book for Statistics' for psychology first year studentsPUB | DOI
Austerschmidt K-L, Kerkhoff D, Bebermeier S, Hagemann A (2021)
Psychology Teaching Review 27(2): 5-21. -
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2960446Polytraumatization in young male refugees from the Middle East and its association with internalizing and externalizing symptomsPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
El-Awad U, Reinelt T, Braig J, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Schmees P, Rüth J-E, Fathi A, Vasileva M, Petermann F, Eschenbeck H, et al. (2021)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 15(1): 75. -
2021 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2958500Stress-symptoms and well-being in children and adolescents: factor structure, measurement invariance, and validity of English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian language versions of the SSKJ scalesPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Gille V, Kerkhoff D, Heim-Dreger U, Kohlmann C-W, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2021)
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 9(1): 875-894. -
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2969661The organisation and evaluation of a statistical consulting service for psychology studentsPUB | DOI
Kerkhoff D, Hagemann A (2020)
Psychology Teaching Review 26(2): 57-68. -
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2946137The Coping Scales From the German Stress and Coping Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents. Psychometric and Factorial Evidence for Five Language VersionsPUB | DOI | WoS
Eschenbeck H, Heim-Dreger U, Kerkhoff D, Kohlmann C-W, Lohaus A, Vierhaus M (2020)
European Journal of Psychological Assessment 36(4): 545-553. -
2019 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2936020The Influence of Sample Size on Parameter Estimates in Three-Level Random-Effects ModelsPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Kerkhoff D, Nussbeck FW (2019)
Frontiers in Psychology 10: 1067. -
2019 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2940110Dyadic Coping in Foster and Biological Parents and Its Relation to Child PsychopathologyPUB | DOI | WoS
Job A-K, Kerkhoff D, Nussbeck FW, Konrad K, Heinrichs N, Lohaus A (2019)
2019 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2969662Use and impact of the open source online editor Etherpad in a psychology students’ statistics classPUB | DOI
Bebermeier S, Kerkhoff D (2019)
Psychology Teaching Review 25(2): 30-38. -
2018 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2930296Auxotrophy to Xeno-DNA: an exploration of combinatorial mechanisms for a high-fidelity biosafety system for synthetic biology applicationsPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Whitford CM, Dymek S, Kerkhoff D, März C, Schmidt O, Edich M, Droste J, Pucker B, Rückert C, Kalinowski J (2018)
Journal of Biological Engineering 12(1): 13. -
2018 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2931321Longitudinal Relationships Between Foster Children’s Mental Health Problems and Parental Stress in Foster Mothers and FathersPUB | DOI | WoS
Lohaus A, Kerkhoff D, Chodura S, Möller C, Symanzik T, Rüth J-E, Ehrenberg D, Job A-K, Reindl V, Konrad K, Heinrichs N (2018)
European Journal of Health Psychology 25(2): 33-42. -
2017 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2930821Expanding The Genetic CodePUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
Karsten L, Bergen D, Drake C, Dymek S, Edich M, Haak M, Kerkhoff D, Kerkhoff Y, Liebers M, März C, Schlüter L, et al. (2017)
Bielefeld University.