7 Publikationen
2024 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2994130Associations of stressful life events with stress symptoms and well-being of adolescent refugees: mediation by post-migration stressors and protective resources?PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Lohaus A, Rüth J-E, El-Awad U, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Braig J, Schmees P, Eschenbeck H (2024)
Psychology & Health: 1-20. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2982747Gender role attitudes and well-being of German and refugee adolescents—same or different?PUB | PDF | DOI | Download (ext.) | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Nilles H, El-Awad U, Kerkhoff D, Braig J, Schmees P, Kilinc Y, Rüth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (2023)
BMC Psychiatry 23(1): 663. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2985945Religious Identity and its Relation to Health-Related Quality of Life and COVID-Related Stress of Refugee Children and Adolescents in GermanyPUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
Schmees P, Braig J, Kilinc Y, Nilles H, El-Awad U, Kerkhoff D, Demir Z, Rüth J-E, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2023)
Journal of Religion and Health. -
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2981244Health-related quality of life of young refugees in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic: comparisons to non-refugees and pre-pandemic timesPUB | DOI | WoS
Braig J, Schmees P, Kilinc Y, El-Awad U, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Rüth J-E, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2023)
Current Psychology. -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2961316Coping of Young Refugees in Germany Relations to Gender, Age, and Gender Role AttitudesPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS
Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Demir Z, Braig J, Schmees P, Rüth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (2022)
European Journal of Health Psychology 29(1): 15-25. -
2022 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Unveröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2962736What makes you think that? Gender Role Attitudes of Young Refugees in Germany and their Associations with Age, Gender, and Country of OriginPUB | PDF
Nilles H, El-Awad U, Kerkhoff D, Braig J, Schmees P, Kilinc Y, Rüth J-E, Eschenbeck H, Lohaus A (Unpublished)
Presented at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes. -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2961318Well-Being and Resources of Minors With Refugee Background in Comparison to Minors With Migration or Native BackgroundPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS
Schmees P, Braig J, Nilles H, Kerkhoff D, Demir Z, Rüth J-E, Lohaus A, Eschenbeck H (2022)
European Journal of Health Psychology 29(1): 3-14.