Benedikt Langenberg
18 Publikationen
2023 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2979036Langenberg, B., Helm, J. L., Günther, T., & Mayer, A. (2023). Understanding, Testing, and Relaxing Sphericity of Repeated Measures ANOVA with Manifest and Latent Variables Using SEM. Methodology : European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 19(1), 60-95. | DOI | WoS
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2965434Langenberg, B., Janczyk, M., Koob, V., Kliegl, R., & Mayer, A. (2022). A tutorial on using the paired t test for power calculations in repeated measures ANOVA with interactions. Behavior Research Methods , 55, 2467–2484. | PDF | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2966192Kiefer, C., Lemmerich, F., Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2022). Subgroup discovery in structural equation models. Psychological Methods. | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2022 | Bielefelder E-Dissertation | PUB-ID: 2963576Langenberg, B. (2022). Repeated Measures ANOVA with Latent Variables: A New Approach Based on Structural Equation Modeling. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld. | PDF | DOI
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2962682Helm, J. L., Langenberg, B., Grossman, E., Poulin, J., & Mayer, A. (2022). Using Structural Equation Modeling in place of Between-Subjects Analysis of Variance. Structural Equation Modeling : A Multidisciplinary Journal . | DOI | WoS
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2961736Langenberg, B., Wurpts, I. C., Geuke, G. G. M., & Onghena, P. (2022). Estimating and testing causal mediation effects in single-case experimental designs using state-space modeling. Evaluation and the Health Professions . | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2021 | Preprint | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2957850Kiefer, C., Lemmerich, F., Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2021). Subgroup Discovery in Structural Equation Models. PsyArXiv. | DOI | Download (ext.)
2021 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2966364Mayer, A., Kiefer, C., Langenberg, B., & Lemmerich, F. (2021). Using subgroup discovery and latent growth curve modeling to identify unusual developmental trajectories. In U. Engel, A. Quan-Haase, S. X. Liu, & L. Lyberg (Eds.), Handbook of Computational Social Science, Volume 2. Data Science, Statistical Modelling, and Machine Learning Methods (pp. 244-268). London: Routledge. | DOI
2020 | Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2946667Lemmerich, F., Kiefer, C., Langenberg, B., Cacho Aboukhalil, J., & Mayer, A. (2020). Mining Exceptional Mediation Models. In D. Helic, G. Leitner, M. Stettinger, A. Felfernig, & Z. W. Raś (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 12117. Foundations of Intelligent Systems. 25th International Symposium, ISMIS 2020, Graz, Austria, September 23–25, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 318-328). Cham: Springer . | DOI
2020 | Wissenschaftliche Software | PUB-ID: 2949732Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2020). Subgroupsem: an R package for mining exceptional models. Bielefeld University.PUB | Dateien verfügbar
2020 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | PUB-ID: 2949729Langenberg, B., Helm, J. L., & Mayer, A. (2020). Repeated Measures ANOVA with Latent Variables to Analyze Interindividual Differences in Contrasts. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 1-19. doi:10.1080/00273171.2020.1803038PUB | DOI | WoS | PubMed | Europe PMC
2020 | Wissenschaftliche Software | PUB-ID: 2949731Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2020). Software code for estimating latent repeated measures ANOVA using the R package semnova. Bielefeld University. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.3887134PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | PUB-ID: 2949735Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2020). The semnova package for latent repeated measures ANOVA. Presented at the 12th International Workshop on Psychometric Computing, Dortmund, Germany.PUB
2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2949733Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2020). Differences in longitudinal trajectories between groups - the multi-group latent growth components approach. Presented at the 9th European Congress of Methodology, Valencia, Spain.PUB
2019 | Konferenzbeitrag | PUB-ID: 2949736Langenberg, B., Helm, J. L., & Mayer, A. (2019). Comparing and extending SEM approaches for repeated measures designs. Presented at the 14th Conference of the Section Methods and Evaluation, Kiel, Germany.PUB
2019 | Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | PUB-ID: 2949737Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2019). Interindividual differences in causal effects from multi-factorial repeated measures experimental designs. Presented at the Single Subject Causal Mediation Analysis Workshop, Leiden, Netherlands.PUB
2018 | Konferenzbeitrag | PUB-ID: 2949734Azzam, B., Roscher, B., Schelenz, R., Jacobs, G., Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2018). Identification of unexpected patterns and relationships in wind turbine scada data using dynamic structural equation modelling. Presented at the 14th EAWE PhD Seminar on Wind Energy, Brussels, Belgium.PUB
2018 | Konferenzbeitrag | PUB-ID: 2949738Langenberg, B., & Mayer, A. (2018). Repeated measures ANOVA with latent variables using the latent growth component approach. Presented at the 8th European Congress of Methodology, Jena, Germany.PUB