11 Publikationen
2023 | Preprint | PUB-ID: 2968137Determination of Lee-Yang edge singularities in QCD by rational approximationsPUB | Download (ext.) | arXiv
Zambello K, Clarke D, Dimopoulos P, Di Renzo F, Goswami J, Nicotra G, Schmidt C, Singh S (2023)
arXiv:2301.03952. -
2021 | Preprint | PUB-ID: 2963706Lattice QCD at Imaginary Chemical Potential in the Chiral LimitPUB | arXiv | Inspire
Clarke D, Goswami J, Karsch F, Lahiri A, Neumann M, Schmidt-Sonntag C (2021)
arXiv:2111.15621. -
2021 | Preprint | PUB-ID: 2963675HotQCD on Multi-GPU SystemsPUB | arXiv | Inspire
Altenkort L, Bollweg D, Clarke D, Kaczmarek O, Mazur L, Schmidt-Sonntag C, Scior P, Shu H-T (2021)
arXiv:2111.10354. -
2021 | Preprint | PUB-ID: 2963674Imprint of chiral symmetry restoration on the Polyakov loop and the heavy quark free energyPUB | arXiv | Inspire
Clarke D, Kaczmarek O, Karsch F, Lahiri A, Sarkar M (2021)
arXiv:2111.09844. -
2021 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2950112Data Publication: Sensitivity of the Polyakov loop and related observables to chiral symmetry restorationPUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI
Clarke D, Kaczmarek O, Karsch F, Lahiri A, Sarkar M (2021)
Bielefeld University. -
2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2950137Polyakov loop susceptibility and correlators in the chiral limitPUB | DOI | arXiv | Inspire
Clarke D, Kaczmarek O, Karsch F, Lahiri A (2020)
In: Proceedings, 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2019). PoS Proceedings of Science, 363. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab: 194. -
2020 | Konferenzbeitrag | PUB-ID: 2949958Sensitivity of the Polyakov loop to chiral symmetry restorationPUB | arXiv | Inspire
Clarke D, Kaczmarek O, Lahiri A, Sarkar M (2020)
In: arXiv:2010.15825. -
2018 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2950138Estimates of Scaling Violations for Pure SU(2) LGTPUB | DOI
Berg B, Clarke D (2018)
EPJ Web of Conferences 175: 10007. -
2018 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2950139Topological charge and cooling scales in pure SU(2) lattice gauge theoryPUB | PDF | DOI | WoS
Berg BA, Clarke D (2018)
Physical Review D 97(5): 054506. -
2017 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2950140Deconfinement, gradient, and cooling scales for pure SU(2) lattice gauge theoryPUB | DOI | WoS
Berg BA, Clarke D (2017)
Physical Review D 95(9): 094508.