5 Publikationen
2022 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2961179Dataset for: "Contribution to understanding the phase structure of strong interaction matter: Lee-Yang edge singularities from lattice QCD"PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI | arXiv
Dimopoulos P, Dini L, Di Renzo F, Goswami J, Nicotra G, Schmidt C, Singh S, Zambello K, Ziesché F (2022)
Bielefeld University. -
2022 | Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2961415Contribution to understanding the phase structure of strong interaction matter: Lee-Yang edge singularities from lattice QCDPUB | DOI | WoS | arXiv | Inspire
Dimopoulos P, Dini L, Di Renzo F, Goswami J, Nicotra G, Schmidt C, Singh S, Zambello K, Ziesché F (2022)
Physical Review D 105(3): 034513. -
2022 | Datenpublikation | PUB-ID: 2960835Dataset for "The Chiral Phase Transition in 3-flavor QCD from Lattice QCD"PUB | Dateien verfügbar | DOI | arXiv
Dini L, Hegde P, Karsch F, Lahiri A, Schmidt C, Sharma S (2022)
Bielefeld University. -
2022 | Bielefelder E-Dissertation | PUB-ID: 2962347Numerical and Theoretical Aspects of the Exploration of the QCD Phase Diagram at Finite Temperature and DensityPUB | PDF
Dini L (2022)
Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.