2 Publikationen
2018 | Diskussionspapier | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2930446Doubly Reflected BSDEs and $\mathcal{E}$$^ƒ$-Dynkin games: beyond the right-continuous casePUB | PDF
Grigorova M, Imkeller P, Quenez M-C, Ouknine Y (2018) Center for Mathematical Economics Working Papers; 598.
Bielefeld: Center for Mathematical Economics. -
2017 | Diskussionspapier | Veröffentlicht | PUB-ID: 2930423Optimal Stopping With ƒ-Expectations: the irregular casePUB | PDF
Grigorova M, Imkeller P, Ouknine Y, Quenez M-C (2017) Center for Mathematical Economics Working Papers; 587.
Bielefeld: Center for Mathematical Economics.