Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues

Wagner P, Włodarczak M, Buschmeier H, Türk O, Gilmartin E (Accepted)
In: Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue).

Konferenzbeitrag | Angenommen | Englisch
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Wagner, PetraUniBi ; Włodarczak, Marcin; Buschmeier, HendrikUniBi ; Türk, OlcayUniBi; Gilmartin, Emer
Abstract / Bemerkung
We examined the turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues, in which 21 different explainers explained a board game to 2–3 explainees each. Turn-taking dy- namics are investigated focusing on >19K floor transitions, i.e., the detailed patterns charac- terizing turn keeping or turn yielding events (Gilmartin et al., 2020). The explanations were characterized by three different phases (board game absent, board game present, interactive game play), for which we observed differences in turn-taking dynamics: explanations where the board game is absent are characterized by less complex floor transitions, while explana- tions with a concretely shared reference space are characterized by more complex floor tran- sitions, as well as more floor transitions between interlocutors. Also, the speakers’ dialogue role (explainer vs. explainee) appears to have a strong impact on turn-taking dynamics, as floor transitions that do not conform with the dialogue role tend to involve more effort, or floor management work.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue)
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Wagner P, Włodarczak M, Buschmeier H, Türk O, Gilmartin E. Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues. In: Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue). Accepted.
Wagner, P., Włodarczak, M., Buschmeier, H., Türk, O., & Gilmartin, E. (Accepted). Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues. Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue)
Wagner, Petra, Włodarczak, Marcin, Buschmeier, Hendrik, Türk, Olcay, and Gilmartin, Emer. Accepted. “Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues”. In Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue).
Wagner, P., Włodarczak, M., Buschmeier, H., Türk, O., and Gilmartin, E. (Accepted). “Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues” in Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue).
Wagner, P., et al., Accepted. Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues. In Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue).
P. Wagner, et al., “Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues”, Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue), Accepted.
Wagner, P., Włodarczak, M., Buschmeier, H., Türk, O., Gilmartin, E.: Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues. Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue). (Accepted).
Wagner, Petra, Włodarczak, Marcin, Buschmeier, Hendrik, Türk, Olcay, and Gilmartin, Emer. “Turn-taking dynamics across different phases of explanatory dialogues”. Proceedings of SemDial2024 (Trento-Logue). Accepted.

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