Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs.

Lesch L, Wicker P, Gröben B (In Press)
German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. .

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German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research.
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Lesch L, Wicker P, Gröben B. Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. . In Press.
Lesch, L., Wicker, P., & Gröben, B. (In Press). Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research.
Lesch, Lara, Wicker, Pamela, and Gröben, Bernd. In Press. “Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. ”. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. .
Lesch, L., Wicker, P., and Gröben, B. (In Press). Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. .
Lesch, L., Wicker, P., & Gröben, B., In Press. Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. .
L. Lesch, P. Wicker, and B. Gröben, “Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. ”, German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. , In Press.
Lesch, L., Wicker, P., Gröben, B.: Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. . German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. . (In Press).
Lesch, Lara, Wicker, Pamela, and Gröben, Bernd. “Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. ”. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research. (In Press).

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