Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models

Ruks M, Starr A, Dierker P (2023)

Preprint | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ruks, MirkoUniBi; Starr, Alexandra; Dierker, Philipp
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Ruks M, Starr A, Dierker P. Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models. PsyArXiv. 2023.
Ruks, M., Starr, A., & Dierker, P. (2023). Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models. PsyArXiv.
Ruks, Mirko, Starr, Alexandra, and Dierker, Philipp. 2023. “Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models”. PsyArXiv.
Ruks, M., Starr, A., and Dierker, P. (2023). Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models. PsyArXiv.
Ruks, M., Starr, A., & Dierker, P., 2023. Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models. PsyArXiv.
M. Ruks, A. Starr, and P. Dierker, “Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models”, PsyArXiv, 2023.
Ruks, M., Starr, A., Dierker, P.: Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models. PsyArXiv. (2023).
Ruks, Mirko, Starr, Alexandra, and Dierker, Philipp. “Investigating the heritability of school grades from age 10 to 16 using biometric growth curve models”. PsyArXiv (2023).
Material in PUB:
Dissertation, die diesen PUB Eintrag enthält
Genetic and Social Influences on Educational Attainment
Ruks M (2024)
Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.

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