Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers

Thormann T, Scharfenkamp K, Wicker P, Davies LE (In Press)
Leisure Studies.

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Thormann T, Scharfenkamp K, Wicker P, Davies LE. Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers. Leisure Studies. In Press.
Thormann, T., Scharfenkamp, K., Wicker, P., & Davies, L. E. (In Press). Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers. Leisure Studies
Thormann, Tim, Scharfenkamp, Katrin, Wicker, Pamela, and Davies, L. E. In Press. “Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers”. Leisure Studies.
Thormann, T., Scharfenkamp, K., Wicker, P., and Davies, L. E. (In Press). Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers. Leisure Studies.
Thormann, T., et al., In Press. Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers. Leisure Studies.
T. Thormann, et al., “Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers”, Leisure Studies, In Press.
Thormann, T., Scharfenkamp, K., Wicker, P., Davies, L.E.: Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers. Leisure Studies. (In Press).
Thormann, Tim, Scharfenkamp, Katrin, Wicker, Pamela, and Davies, L. E. “Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers”. Leisure Studies (In Press).

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