Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis
Struck B, Wiersma SJ, Ortseifen V, Pühler A, Niehaus K (2024)
Proteomes 12(2): 12.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Struck, BenUniBi;
Wiersma, Sanne Jitske;
Ortseifen, VeraUniBi
Pühler, AlfredUniBi
Niehaus, KarstenUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Xanthan, a bacterial polysaccharide, is widespread in industrial applications, particularly as a food additive. However, little is known about the process of xanthan synthesis on the proteome level, even though Xanthomonas campestris is frequently used for xanthan fermentation. A label-free LC-MS/MS method was employed to study the protein changes during xanthan fermentation in minimal medium. According to the reference database, 2416 proteins were identified, representing 54.75 % of the proteome. The study examined changes in protein abundances concerning the growth phase and xanthan productivity. Throughout the experiment, changes in nitrate concentration appeared to affect the abundance of most proteins involved in nitrogen metabolism, except Gdh and GlnA. Proteins involved in sugar nucleotide metabolism stay unchanged across all growth phases. Apart from GumD, GumB, and GumC, the gum proteins showed no significant changes throughout the experiment. GumD, the first enzyme in the assembly of the xanthan-repeating unit, peaked during the early stationary phase but decreased during the late stationary phase. GumB and GumC, which are involved in exporting xanthan, increased significantly during the stationary phase. This study suggests that a potential bottleneck for xanthan productivity does not reside in the abundance of proteins directly involved in the synthesis pathways.
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI
Struck B, Wiersma SJ, Ortseifen V, Pühler A, Niehaus K. Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis. Proteomes. 2024;12(2): 12.
Struck, B., Wiersma, S. J., Ortseifen, V., Pühler, A., & Niehaus, K. (2024). Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis. Proteomes, 12(2), 12.
Struck, Ben, Wiersma, Sanne Jitske, Ortseifen, Vera, Pühler, Alfred, and Niehaus, Karsten. 2024. “Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis”. Proteomes 12 (2): 12.
Struck, B., Wiersma, S. J., Ortseifen, V., Pühler, A., and Niehaus, K. (2024). Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis. Proteomes 12:12.
Struck, B., et al., 2024. Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis. Proteomes, 12(2): 12.
B. Struck, et al., “Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis”, Proteomes, vol. 12, 2024, : 12.
Struck, B., Wiersma, S.J., Ortseifen, V., Pühler, A., Niehaus, K.: Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis. Proteomes. 12, : 12 (2024).
Struck, Ben, Wiersma, Sanne Jitske, Ortseifen, Vera, Pühler, Alfred, and Niehaus, Karsten. “Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of a Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris B100 Culture Grown in Minimal Medium with a Specific Focus on Nutrient Consumption and Xanthan Biosynthesis”. Proteomes 12.2 (2024): 12.
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