Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry

Hillebrandt C (2015)
In: Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate . Birke D, Köppe T (Eds); Linguae & litterae, 48. Berlin: De Gruyter: 213-233.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Birke, Dorothee; Köppe, Tilmann
Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate
Linguae & litterae
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Hillebrandt C. Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry. In: Birke D, Köppe T, eds. Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate . Linguae & litterae. Vol 48. Berlin: De Gruyter; 2015: 213-233.
Hillebrandt, C. (2015). Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry. In D. Birke & T. Köppe (Eds.), Linguae & litterae: Vol. 48. Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate (pp. 213-233). Berlin: De Gruyter.
Hillebrandt, Claudia. 2015. “Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry”. In Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate , ed. Dorothee Birke and Tilmann Köppe, 48:213-233. Linguae & litterae. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Hillebrandt, C. (2015). “Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry” in Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate , Birke, D., and Köppe, T. eds. Linguae & litterae, vol. 48, (Berlin: De Gruyter), 213-233.
Hillebrandt, C., 2015. Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry. In D. Birke & T. Köppe, eds. Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate . Linguae & litterae. no.48 Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 213-233.
C. Hillebrandt, “Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry”, Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate , D. Birke and T. Köppe, eds., Linguae & litterae, vol. 48, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015, pp.213-233.
Hillebrandt, C.: Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry. In: Birke, D. and Köppe, T. (eds.) Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate . Linguae & litterae. 48, p. 213-233. De Gruyter, Berlin (2015).
Hillebrandt, Claudia. “Author and Narrator in Lyric Poetry”. Author and Narrator. Transdisciplinary contributions to a narratological debate . Ed. Dorothee Birke and Tilmann Köppe. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2015.Vol. 48. Linguae & litterae. 213-233.
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