Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball

Velentzas K, Vietmeier N, Pollmann D (2023)
In: 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts. Guilhem G, Rabita G, Brocherie F, Tsolakidis E, Ferrauti A, Helge JW, Piacentini MF (Eds); European College of Sport Science: 1052.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Guilhem, G.; Rabita, G.; Brocherie, F.; Tsolakidis, E.; Ferrauti, A.; Helge, J. W.; Piacentini, M. F.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts
Paris, France
2023-07-04 – 2023-07-07
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Velentzas K, Vietmeier N, Pollmann D. Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball. In: Guilhem G, Rabita G, Brocherie F, et al., eds. 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts. European College of Sport Science; 2023: 1052.
Velentzas, K., Vietmeier, N., & Pollmann, D. (2023). Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball. In G. Guilhem, G. Rabita, F. Brocherie, E. Tsolakidis, A. Ferrauti, J. W. Helge, & M. F. Piacentini (Eds.), 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts (p. 1052). European College of Sport Science.
Velentzas, Kostas, Vietmeier, Nadine, and Pollmann, Dietmar. 2023. “Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball”. In 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts, ed. G. Guilhem, G. Rabita, F. Brocherie, E. Tsolakidis, A. Ferrauti, J. W. Helge, and M. F. Piacentini, 1052. European College of Sport Science.
Velentzas, K., Vietmeier, N., and Pollmann, D. (2023). “Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball” in 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts, Guilhem, G., Rabita, G., Brocherie, F., Tsolakidis, E., Ferrauti, A., Helge, J. W., and Piacentini, M. F. eds. (European College of Sport Science), 1052.
Velentzas, K., Vietmeier, N., & Pollmann, D., 2023. Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball. In G. Guilhem, et al., eds. 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts. European College of Sport Science, pp. 1052.
K. Velentzas, N. Vietmeier, and D. Pollmann, “Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball”, 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts, G. Guilhem, et al., eds., European College of Sport Science, 2023, pp.1052.
Velentzas, K., Vietmeier, N., Pollmann, D.: Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball. In: Guilhem, G., Rabita, G., Brocherie, F., Tsolakidis, E., Ferrauti, A., Helge, J.W., and Piacentini, M.F. (eds.) 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts. p. 1052. European College of Sport Science (2023).
Velentzas, Kostas, Vietmeier, Nadine, and Pollmann, Dietmar. “Visual Perception and Decision Making in Dynamic Environments. An experimental study in Beach Volleyball”. 28th Annual Congress of the EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF SPORT SCIENCE. Book of Abstracts. Ed. G. Guilhem, G. Rabita, F. Brocherie, E. Tsolakidis, A. Ferrauti, J. W. Helge, and M. F. Piacentini. European College of Sport Science, 2023. 1052.

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