Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany

de Vries LK, Steinmetz S (2023)
Work, Employment and Society.

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de Vries, Lisa KristinaUniBi ; Steinmetz, Stephanie
Abstract / Bemerkung
An extensive body of research has documented the relationship between sexual orientation and income, but only a few studies have examined the effects of sexual orientation on workplace authority. This article investigates the probability of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people having (high-level) workplace authority and the effects of occupational gender segregation. It analyses four waves of data from the German Socio-Economic Panel study (N=37,288 heterosexual and N=739 LGB observations). The results show that gay and bisexual men do not differ from heterosexual men in their probability of having workplace authority, but they have a lower probability of attaining high-level authority. Lesbian and bisexual women have a higher probability than heterosexual women of having workplace authority, but no advantages in attaining high-level authority. These insights into occupational segregation suggest that gay and bisexual men experience similar levels of disadvantages across occupations, whereas lesbian and bisexual women have an advantage in female-dominated occupations.
leadership; occupational segregation; sexual orientation; workplace; authority
Work, Employment and Society
Page URI


de Vries LK, Steinmetz S. Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany. Work, Employment and Society. 2023.
de Vries, L. K., & Steinmetz, S. (2023). Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany. Work, Employment and Society.
de Vries, Lisa Kristina, and Steinmetz, Stephanie. 2023. “Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany”. Work, Employment and Society.
de Vries, L. K., and Steinmetz, S. (2023). Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany. Work, Employment and Society.
de Vries, L.K., & Steinmetz, S., 2023. Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany. Work, Employment and Society.
L.K. de Vries and S. Steinmetz, “Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany”, Work, Employment and Society, 2023.
de Vries, L.K., Steinmetz, S.: Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany. Work, Employment and Society. (2023).
de Vries, Lisa Kristina, and Steinmetz, Stephanie. “Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority and Occupational Segregation: Evidence from Germany”. Work, Employment and Society (2023).
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