Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples

Niedling K, Hämel K (2023)
Frontiers in Public Health 11: 1117786.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 223.79 KB
Abstract / Bemerkung
Coping with chronic illness and care dependency in a marital dyad challenges many older couples. In our qualitative research study, we are interested in how long-married spouses in Germany experience their couple relationship while dealing with long-term care and adapting everyday life to the care situation. **Methods**
We conducted problem-centered interviews with 17 spouses according to the interpretive-reconstructive documentary method. **Results**
We derived four thematic areas: (1) partner(ship) disappears behind the disease; (2) partners struggle with changing tasks and roles; (3) caring partners mourn the loss of intimacy; and (4) partners strive to rebalance the partnership. **Discussion**
When chronic illness and care dependency enter couples' lives, the self-image as husband or wife is affected. Primary health care professionals should be sensitive to the specific constellation of care in couple relationships and recognize the significance of this dyadic relationship as living in a satisfying couple relationship is essential for the health and wellbeing of both partners.
Frontiers in Public Health
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
Page URI


Niedling K, Hämel K. Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples. Frontiers in Public Health. 2023;11: 1117786.
Niedling, K., & Hämel, K. (2023). Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1117786. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1117786
Niedling, Katharina, and Hämel, Kerstin. 2023. “Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples”. Frontiers in Public Health 11: 1117786.
Niedling, K., and Hämel, K. (2023). Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples. Frontiers in Public Health 11:1117786.
Niedling, K., & Hämel, K., 2023. Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples. Frontiers in Public Health, 11: 1117786.
K. Niedling and K. Hämel, “Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples”, Frontiers in Public Health, vol. 11, 2023, : 1117786.
Niedling, K., Hämel, K.: Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples. Frontiers in Public Health. 11, : 1117786 (2023).
Niedling, Katharina, and Hämel, Kerstin. “Longing for normalcy in couple relationships: How chronic illness and care dependency change the relationship of long-married couples”. Frontiers in Public Health 11 (2023): 1117786.
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