Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study
Schnatschmidt M, Lollies F, Schlarb A (2022)
BMC Psychology 10(1): 243.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
BACKGROUND: In early childhood sleep and regulatory problems, parental factors are often impaired but essential to overcoming them. This study aims to examine, in parents of young sleep-disturbed children, whether mothers' and fathers' sense of parenting competence were increased and dysfunctional parent-child interactions reduced with a parental sleep intervention, whether these changes were sustained over a 12-month follow-up period and if children's symptomatic parameters could be related factors.; METHODS: A total of 57 families with sleep-disturbed children aged 6 months to 4 years entered this single-arm pilot study. Each parent pair participated in six weekly individual face-to-face sessions of a multimodal cognitive-behavioral sleep intervention. The Parenting Sense of Competence Scale, Parental Stress Index Short Form, Child's Sleep Diary and Child's Questionnaire on Crying, Eating and Sleeping were obtained pre-, post-, 3, 6 and 12 months after the intervention.; RESULTS: Maternal sense of competence and dysfunctional mother-child interaction improved significantly up to 6 months after the intervention. Factors related to lower maternal competence were the child's more frequent nightly food intake and more crying due to defiance; factors related to dysfunctional mother-child interaction were more frequent crying episodes, more crying due to defiance and more eating difficulties; factors related to increased maternal competence were less duration of child's night waking, less bed-sharing and lower frequency of crying episodes; factors related to increased paternal competence were less child's nightly food intake and fewer episodes of unexplained and unsoothable crying; and factors related to improved father-child interaction were less frequent child's night waking and fewer unexplained and unsoothable crying episodes.; CONCLUSION: For parents of sleep-disturbed young children, an intervention that addresses the child's sleep could be promising to increase the parental sense of competence and reduce dysfunctional parent-child interactions, especially for mothers. Child symptomatic parameters may change, together with the parental sense of competence and parent-child interaction of both parents, after the intervention. Mothers with children with more severe symptomatology perceive their parenting competence as lower on average and their mother-child interaction as more dysfunctional. Future research with a larger sample and a randomized controlled design is needed.; TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was retrospectively registered at the German Clinical Trials Register (ID: DRKS00028578; registration date: 21.03.2022). © 2022. The Author(s).
BMC Psychology
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Page URI
Schnatschmidt M, Lollies F, Schlarb A. Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study. BMC Psychology. 2022;10(1): 243.
Schnatschmidt, M., Lollies, F., & Schlarb, A. (2022). Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study. BMC Psychology, 10(1), 243.
Schnatschmidt, Marisa, Lollies, Friederike, and Schlarb, Angelika. 2022. “Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study”. BMC Psychology 10 (1): 243.
Schnatschmidt, M., Lollies, F., and Schlarb, A. (2022). Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study. BMC Psychology 10:243.
Schnatschmidt, M., Lollies, F., & Schlarb, A., 2022. Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study. BMC Psychology, 10(1): 243.
M. Schnatschmidt, F. Lollies, and A. Schlarb, “Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study”, BMC Psychology, vol. 10, 2022, : 243.
Schnatschmidt, M., Lollies, F., Schlarb, A.: Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study. BMC Psychology. 10, : 243 (2022).
Schnatschmidt, Marisa, Lollies, Friederike, and Schlarb, Angelika. “Can a parental sleep intervention in an individual setting improve the maternal and paternal sense of competence and parent-child interaction in parents of young sleep-disturbed children? Findings from a single-arm pilot intervention study”. BMC Psychology 10.1 (2022): 243.
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Dissertation, die diesen PUB Eintrag enthält
Frühkindlicher Schlaf und familiäre Regulationsprobleme
Schnatschmidt M (2023)
Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.
Schnatschmidt M (2023)
Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.
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