Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria

Shi Y-M, Crames JJ, Czech L, Bozhuyuk KAJ, Shi Y-N, Hirschmann M, Lamberth S, Claus P, Paczia N, Rückert-Reed C, Kalinowski J, et al. (2022)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 134(51).

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Shi, Yi-Ming; Crames, Jan J; Czech, Laura; Bozhuyuk, Kenan A J; Shi, Yan-Ni; Hirschmann, Merle; Lamberth, Stefanie; Claus, Peter; Paczia, Nicole; Rückert-Reed, ChristianUniBi ; Kalinowski, JörnUniBi; Bange, Gert
Abstract / Bemerkung
Benzoxazolinate is a rare bis-heterocyclic moiety that interacts with proteins and DNA and confers extraordinary bioactivities on natural products, such as C-1027. However, the biosynthetic gene responsible for the key cyclization step of benzoxazolinate remains unclear. Here, we show a putative acyl AMP-ligase responsible for the last cyclization step. We then use the enzyme as a probe for genome mining and discover that the orphan benzobactin gene cluster in entomopathogenic bacteria prevails across Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. It turns out thatPseudomonaschlororaphisproduces various benzobactins, whosebiosyntheses arehighlighted by a synergistic effect of two unclustered genes encoding enzymes on boosting benzobactin production;the formation of non-proteinogenic 2-hydroxymethylserine by a serine hydroxymethyltransferase; andthe types I and II NRPS architecture for structural diversity. Our findings reveal the biosynthetic potential of a widespread benzobactin gene cluster. © 2022 Wiley-VCH GmbH.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
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Shi Y-M, Crames JJ, Czech L, et al. Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2022;134(51).
Shi, Y. - M., Crames, J. J., Czech, L., Bozhuyuk, K. A. J., Shi, Y. - N., Hirschmann, M., Lamberth, S., et al. (2022). Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 134(51).
Shi, Yi-Ming, Crames, Jan J, Czech, Laura, Bozhuyuk, Kenan A J, Shi, Yan-Ni, Hirschmann, Merle, Lamberth, Stefanie, et al. 2022. “Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria”. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 134 (51).
Shi, Y. - M., Crames, J. J., Czech, L., Bozhuyuk, K. A. J., Shi, Y. - N., Hirschmann, M., Lamberth, S., Claus, P., Paczia, N., Rückert-Reed, C., et al. (2022). Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 134.
Shi, Y.-M., et al., 2022. Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 134(51).
Y.-M. Shi, et al., “Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, vol. 134, 2022.
Shi, Y.-M., Crames, J.J., Czech, L., Bozhuyuk, K.A.J., Shi, Y.-N., Hirschmann, M., Lamberth, S., Claus, P., Paczia, N., Rückert-Reed, C., Kalinowski, J., Bange, G., Bode, H.B.: Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 134, (2022).
Shi, Yi-Ming, Crames, Jan J, Czech, Laura, Bozhuyuk, Kenan A J, Shi, Yan-Ni, Hirschmann, Merle, Lamberth, Stefanie, Claus, Peter, Paczia, Nicole, Rückert-Reed, Christian, Kalinowski, Jörn, Bange, Gert, and Bode, Helge B. “Genome Mining Enabled by Biosynthetic Characterization Uncovers a Class of Benzoxazolinate-Containing Natural Products in Diverse Bacteria”. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 134.51 (2022).
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