Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women

Kater M-J, Schlarb A (2022)
In: Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy. Sleep Medicine , 100(Suppl. 1). Amsterdam: Elsevier: S296.

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Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy
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Sleep Medicine
Suppl. 1
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Kater M-J, Schlarb A. Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women. In: Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy. Sleep Medicine . Vol 100. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2022: S296.
Kater, M. - J., & Schlarb, A. (2022). Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women. Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy, Sleep Medicine , 100, S296. Amsterdam: Elsevier. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2022.05.801
Kater, Maren-Jo, and Schlarb, Angelika. 2022. “Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women”. In Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy, 100:S296. Sleep Medicine . Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Kater, M. - J., and Schlarb, A. (2022). “Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women” in Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy Sleep Medicine , vol. 100, (Amsterdam: Elsevier), S296.
Kater, M.-J., & Schlarb, A., 2022. Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women. In Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy. Sleep Medicine . no.100 Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. S296.
M.-J. Kater and A. Schlarb, “Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women”, Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy, Sleep Medicine , vol. 100, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022, pp.S296.
Kater, M.-J., Schlarb, A.: Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women. Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy. Sleep Medicine . 100, p. S296. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2022).
Kater, Maren-Jo, and Schlarb, Angelika. “Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Usage and Blue Light on Pre-Sleep Arousal and Sleep among Young Women”. Abstracts from the 16th World Sleep Congress, March 11-16, 2022 in Rome, Italy. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2022.Vol. 100. Sleep Medicine . S296.

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