What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap

Marx C, Diewald M (2022)
Social Sciences 11(6): 251.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.14 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper, we investigate how organizational equal opportunity and work–life measures when combined are associated with the gender wage gap within large German establishments. By looking at both kinds of measures as parts of a comprehensive personnel strategy, we provide a novel way to distinguish between a career-supportive implementation of work–life measures versus implementation as a compensating differential. Using a linked employer–employee dataset, we performed a cross-sectional multilevel regression analysis with fixed effects for 6439 respondents within 122 establishments. The results indicate that work–life measures that support employees in their parenthood responsibilities are linked to a significantly higher GWG, particularly for parents. Our results indicate that the implementation of work–life measures is used as compensating differentials, primarily for mothers. Particularly, this can be found when looking at the combination of multiple measures. In combination with equal opportunity measures for women, work–life measures that highlight the long-term absence from the workplace are associated with a higher GWG for parents.
work-life measures; HRM policies; gender wage gap; linked employer–employee data; work organizations
Social Sciences
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Marx C, Diewald M. What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap. Social Sciences. 2022;11(6): 251.
Marx, C., & Diewald, M. (2022). What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap. Social Sciences, 11(6), 251. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci11060251
Marx, Charlotte, and Diewald, Martin. 2022. “What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap”. Social Sciences 11 (6): 251.
Marx, C., and Diewald, M. (2022). What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap. Social Sciences 11:251.
Marx, C., & Diewald, M., 2022. What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap. Social Sciences, 11(6): 251.
C. Marx and M. Diewald, “What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap”, Social Sciences, vol. 11, 2022, : 251.
Marx, C., Diewald, M.: What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap. Social Sciences. 11, : 251 (2022).
Marx, Charlotte, and Diewald, Martin. “What Works? How Combining Equal Opportunity and Work–Life Measures Relates to the Within-Firm Gender Wage Gap”. Social Sciences 11.6 (2022): 251.
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