Studying teaching using robots

Vollmer A-L (2016)
In: Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years. Battro AM, Fischer KW, Majdalani ML, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (Eds); Erice, Italy: 153-158.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Battro, Antonio M.; Fischer, Kurt W.; Majdalani, Maria Lourdes
herausgebende Körperschaft
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture
Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years
153 - 158
Page URI


Vollmer A-L. Studying teaching using robots. In: Battro AM, Fischer KW, Majdalani ML, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, eds. Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years. Erice, Italy; 2016: 153-158.
Vollmer, A. - L. (2016). Studying teaching using robots. In A. M. Battro, K. W. Fischer, M. L. Majdalani, & Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (Eds.), Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years (pp. 153-158). Erice, Italy.
Vollmer, Anna-Lisa. 2016. “Studying teaching using robots”. In Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years, ed. Antonio M. Battro, Kurt W. Fischer, Maria Lourdes Majdalani, and Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, 153-158. Erice, Italy.
Vollmer, A. - L. (2016). “Studying teaching using robots” in Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years, Battro, A. M., Fischer, K. W., Majdalani, M. L., and Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture eds. (Erice, Italy), 153-158.
Vollmer, A.-L., 2016. Studying teaching using robots. In A. M. Battro, et al., eds. Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years. Erice, Italy, pp. 153-158.
A.-L. Vollmer, “Studying teaching using robots”, Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years, A.M. Battro, et al., eds., Erice, Italy: 2016, pp.153-158.
Vollmer, A.-L.: Studying teaching using robots. In: Battro, A.M., Fischer, K.W., Majdalani, M.L., and Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture (eds.) Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years. p. 153-158. Erice, Italy (2016).
Vollmer, Anna-Lisa. “Studying teaching using robots”. Mind, Brain and Education at Erice: 10 years. Ed. Antonio M. Battro, Kurt W. Fischer, Maria Lourdes Majdalani, and Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture. Erice, Italy, 2016. 153-158.

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