Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources

Reifegerste D, Rosset M, Czerwinski F, Baumann E, Gaisser A, Kludt E, Weg-Remers S (2021)
Journal of Cancer Education 38: 175-184.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 657.70 KB
Reifegerste, DoreenUniBi ; Rosset, Magdalena; Czerwinski, FabianUniBi; Baumann, EvaUniBi; Gaisser, Andrea; Kludt, Evelyn; Weg-Remers, Susanne
Abstract / Bemerkung
Cancer information services (CISs) can play an important role within the pathway of cancer information seeking, but so far, this role is not well understood. Callers (n=6,255) who contacted the largest provider of cancer information in Germany participated in a survey in which they reported their information sources, information level, and needs leading to the call. Persons with prior information from a physician (n=1,507) were compared to people with prior online information (n=901) and people with prior information from both sources (n=2,776). Nearly all callers (96.7%) stated prior sources, while physicians and the Internet were the most frequently reported sources. People, who only talked to a doctor before, are more likely to be a patient and in the disease stages during/after the first treatment or with recurrence than prior Internet users. The two groups do not differ in their prior information level but did differ in their information needs. CISs are an important supplement to other sources, while the information repertoire depends on patients' stages during the cancer journey. Specific characteristics and needs of callers with different prior information sources help to individualize the service of CISs and similar providers. © 2021. The Author(s).
Cancer; Cancer information seeking; Cancer information service; Information sources; Pathway
Journal of Cancer Education
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Reifegerste D, Rosset M, Czerwinski F, et al. Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources. Journal of Cancer Education. 2021;38:175-184.
Reifegerste, D., Rosset, M., Czerwinski, F., Baumann, E., Gaisser, A., Kludt, E., & Weg-Remers, S. (2021). Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources. Journal of Cancer Education, 38, 175-184. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13187-021-02095-y
Reifegerste, Doreen, Rosset, Magdalena, Czerwinski, Fabian, Baumann, Eva, Gaisser, Andrea, Kludt, Evelyn, and Weg-Remers, Susanne. 2021. “Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources”. Journal of Cancer Education 38: 175-184.
Reifegerste, D., Rosset, M., Czerwinski, F., Baumann, E., Gaisser, A., Kludt, E., and Weg-Remers, S. (2021). Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources. Journal of Cancer Education 38, 175-184.
Reifegerste, D., et al., 2021. Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources. Journal of Cancer Education, 38, p 175-184.
D. Reifegerste, et al., “Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources”, Journal of Cancer Education, vol. 38, 2021, pp. 175-184.
Reifegerste, D., Rosset, M., Czerwinski, F., Baumann, E., Gaisser, A., Kludt, E., Weg-Remers, S.: Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources. Journal of Cancer Education. 38, 175-184 (2021).
Reifegerste, Doreen, Rosset, Magdalena, Czerwinski, Fabian, Baumann, Eva, Gaisser, Andrea, Kludt, Evelyn, and Weg-Remers, Susanne. “Understanding the Pathway of Cancer Information Seeking: Cancer Information Services as a Supplement to Information from Other Sources”. Journal of Cancer Education 38 (2021): 175-184.
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