Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana

Chibani K, Pucker B, Dietz K-J, Cavanagh A (2021)
FEBS Letters .

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | E-Veröff. vor dem Druck | Englisch
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Chibani, Kamel; Pucker, Boas; Dietz, Karl-JosefUniBi; Cavanagh, Amanda
Abstract / Bemerkung
Thioredoxins (TRXs), a large subclass of ubiquitous oxidoreductases, are involved in thiol redox regulation. Here, we performed a comprehensive analysis of TRXs in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome, revealing 41 genes encoding 18 typical and 23 atypical TRXs, and 6 genes encoding thioredoxin reductases (TRs). The high number of atypical TRXs indicates special functions in plants that mostly await elucidation. We identified an atypical class of thioredoxins called TRX-c in the genomes of photosynthetic eukaryotes. Localized to the chloroplast, TRX-c displays atypical CPLC, CHLC and CNLC motifs in the active sites. In silico analysis of the transcriptional regulations of TRXs revealed high expression of TRX-c in leaves and strong regulation under cold, osmotic, salinity and metal ion stresses.
Arabidopsis; molecular evolution; oxidoreductase; regulation; thioredoxins
FEBS Letters
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Chibani K, Pucker B, Dietz K-J, Cavanagh A. Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters . 2021.
Chibani, K., Pucker, B., Dietz, K. - J., & Cavanagh, A. (2021). Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters .
Chibani, Kamel, Pucker, Boas, Dietz, Karl-Josef, and Cavanagh, Amanda. 2021. “Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana”. FEBS Letters .
Chibani, K., Pucker, B., Dietz, K. - J., and Cavanagh, A. (2021). Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters .
Chibani, K., et al., 2021. Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters .
K. Chibani, et al., “Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana”, FEBS Letters , 2021.
Chibani, K., Pucker, B., Dietz, K.-J., Cavanagh, A.: Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Letters . (2021).
Chibani, Kamel, Pucker, Boas, Dietz, Karl-Josef, and Cavanagh, Amanda. “Genome-wide analysis and transcriptional regulation of the typical and atypical thioredoxins in Arabidopsis thaliana”. FEBS Letters (2021).

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