SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis
Mohsenpour A, Bozorgmehr K, Rohleder S, Stratil J, Costa D (2021)
EClinicalMedicine: 101032.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Mohsenpour, AmirUniBi
Bozorgmehr, KayvanUniBi
Rohleder, SvenUniBi;
Stratil, Jan;
Costa, DiogoUniBi 

Abstract / Bemerkung
People experiencing homelessness (PEH) may be at risk for COVID19. We synthesised evidence on SARS-Cov-2 infection, transmission, outcomes of disease, effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), and the effectiveness of strategies for infection prevention and control (IPC).
Systematic review of articles, indexed in electronic databases (EMBASE, WHOsingle bondCovid19, Web of Science), institutional websites and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health's live map of COVID-19 evidence, and published from December 1st, 2019, to March 3rd, 2021. Empirical papers of any study design addressing Covid-19 and health(-related) outcomes in PEH or shelters’ staff were included. (PROSPERO-2020-CRD42020187033)
Of 536 publications, 37 studies were included (two modelling, 31 observational, four qualitative studies). Random-effect meta-analysis yields a baseline SARS-Cov-2 prevalence of 2•32% (95% Confidence-Interval, 95%CI=1•30–3•34) in PEH and 1•55% (95%CI=0•79–2•31) in staff. In outbreaks, the pooled prevalence increases to 31•59% (95%CI=20•48–42•71) in PEH and 14•80% (95%CI=10•73–18•87) in staff. Main IPC strategies were universal rapid testing, expansion of non-congregate housing, and in-shelter measures (bed spacing, limited staff rotation, reduction in number of residents).
32% of PEH and 15% staff are infected during outbreaks of SARS-Cov-2 in homeless shelters. Most studies were conducted in the USA. No studies were found quantifying health-related outcomes of NPI. Overview and evaluation of IPC strategies for PEH, a better understanding of disease transmission, and reliable data on PEH within Covid-19 notification systems are needed. Qualitative studies may serve to voice PEH and shelter staff experiences, and guide future evaluations and IPC strategies.
people experiencing homelessness;
homeless shelters;
systematic review;
Page URI
Mohsenpour A, Bozorgmehr K, Rohleder S, Stratil J, Costa D. SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine. 2021: 101032.
Mohsenpour, A., Bozorgmehr, K., Rohleder, S., Stratil, J., & Costa, D. (2021). SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, 101032.
Mohsenpour, Amir, Bozorgmehr, Kayvan, Rohleder, Sven, Stratil, Jan, and Costa, Diogo. 2021. “SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis”. EClinicalMedicine: 101032.
Mohsenpour, A., Bozorgmehr, K., Rohleder, S., Stratil, J., and Costa, D. (2021). SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine:101032.
Mohsenpour, A., et al., 2021. SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine, : 101032.
A. Mohsenpour, et al., “SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis”, EClinicalMedicine, 2021, : 101032.
Mohsenpour, A., Bozorgmehr, K., Rohleder, S., Stratil, J., Costa, D.: SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis. EClinicalMedicine. : 101032 (2021).
Mohsenpour, Amir, Bozorgmehr, Kayvan, Rohleder, Sven, Stratil, Jan, and Costa, Diogo. “SARS-Cov-2 prevalence, transmission, health-related outcomes and control strategies in homeless shelters: Systematic review and meta-analysis”. EClinicalMedicine (2021): 101032.
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PMID: 34316550
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