The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects

Mayer A, Dietzfelbinger L, Rosseel Y, Steyer R (2016)
Multivariate Behavioral Research 51(2-3): 374-391.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Mayer, AxelUniBi; Dietzfelbinger, Lisa; Rosseel, Yves; Steyer, Rolf
Abstract / Bemerkung
We present a framework for estimating average and conditional effects of a discrete treatment variable on a continuous outcome variable, conditioning on categorical and continuous covariates. Using the new approach, termed the EffectLiteR approach, researchers can consider conditional treatment effects given values of all covariates in the analysis and various aggregates of these conditional treatment effects such as average effects, effects on the treated, or aggregated conditional effects given values of a subset of covariates. Building on structural equation modeling, key advantages of the new approach are (1) It allows for latent covariates and outcome variables; (2) it permits (higher order) interactions between the treatment variable and categorical and (latent) continuous covariates; and (3) covariates can be treated as stochastic or fixed. The approach is illustrated by an example, and open source software EffectLiteR is provided, which makes a detailed analysis of effects conveniently accessible for applied researchers.
Average and conditional effects; multigroup structural equation modeling; moderation; stochastic regressors; interactions
Multivariate Behavioral Research
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Mayer A, Dietzfelbinger L, Rosseel Y, Steyer R. The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 2016;51(2-3):374-391.
Mayer, A., Dietzfelbinger, L., Rosseel, Y., & Steyer, R. (2016). The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(2-3), 374-391.
Mayer, Axel, Dietzfelbinger, Lisa, Rosseel, Yves, and Steyer, Rolf. 2016. “The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects”. Multivariate Behavioral Research 51 (2-3): 374-391.
Mayer, A., Dietzfelbinger, L., Rosseel, Y., and Steyer, R. (2016). The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research 51, 374-391.
Mayer, A., et al., 2016. The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(2-3), p 374-391.
A. Mayer, et al., “The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects”, Multivariate Behavioral Research, vol. 51, 2016, pp. 374-391.
Mayer, A., Dietzfelbinger, L., Rosseel, Y., Steyer, R.: The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 51, 374-391 (2016).
Mayer, Axel, Dietzfelbinger, Lisa, Rosseel, Yves, and Steyer, Rolf. “The EffectLiteR Approach for Analyzing Average and Conditional Effects”. Multivariate Behavioral Research 51.2-3 (2016): 374-391.

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