Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis
Stummer C, Lüpke L, Günther M (2021)
Journal of Business Economics 91(9): 1469-1497.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Lehrstuhl für BWL, insb. Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Department Management Science & Business Analytics
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Institut für Technologische Innovation, Marktentwicklung und Entrepreneurship
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften > Department Management Science & Business Analytics
Abstract / Bemerkung
Agent-based simulation has become an established method for innovation and tech-
nology diffusion research. It extends traditional approaches by modeling diffusion
processes from a micro-level perspective, which enables the consideration of vari-
ous heterogeneous stakeholders and their diverse interactions. While such a simu-
lation is well suited to capture the complex behavior of markets, its application is
challenging when it comes to modeling future markets. Therefore, we propose a
multi-method approach that combines scenario analysis that generates multiple “pic-
tures of the future” with an agent-based market simulation that offers insight into
the potential outcomes of today’s strategic (technological) decisions in each of these
futures. Thus, simulation results can provide valuable decision support for corporate
planners and industrial engineers when they are engaged in technology planning.
This paper describes the novel approach and illustrates it through a sample applica-
tion that is based on an industry-related research project on the development and
market introduction of smart products
agent-based modeling;
scenario analysis;
technology planning;
smart products
Journal of Business Economics
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Universität Bielefeld im Rahmen des DEAL-Vertrags gefördert.
Page URI
Stummer C, Lüpke L, Günther M. Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics. 2021;91(9):1469-1497.
Stummer, C., Lüpke, L., & Günther, M. (2021). Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics, 91(9), 1469-1497.
Stummer, Christian, Lüpke, Lars, and Günther, Markus. 2021. “Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis”. Journal of Business Economics 91 (9): 1469-1497.
Stummer, C., Lüpke, L., and Günther, M. (2021). Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics 91, 1469-1497.
Stummer, C., Lüpke, L., & Günther, M., 2021. Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics, 91(9), p 1469-1497.
C. Stummer, L. Lüpke, and M. Günther, “Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis”, Journal of Business Economics, vol. 91, 2021, pp. 1469-1497.
Stummer, C., Lüpke, L., Günther, M.: Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis. Journal of Business Economics. 91, 1469-1497 (2021).
Stummer, Christian, Lüpke, Lars, and Günther, Markus. “Beaming market simulation to the future by combining agent-based modeling with scenario analysis”. Journal of Business Economics 91.9 (2021): 1469-1497.
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