Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds
Gad D, El-Shora H, Fraternale D, Maricchiolo E, Pompa A, Dietz K-J (2021)
International journal of molecular sciences 22(4): 2149.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Gad, DinaUniBi;
El-Shora, Hamed;
Fraternale, Daniele;
Maricchiolo, Elisa;
Pompa, Andrea;
Dietz, Karl-JosefUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The present study aimed to investigate the enzymatic potential of Silybum marianum leaves to bioconvert phenolic acids produced in S. marianum callus into silymarin derivatives as chemopreventive agent. Here we demonstrate that despite the fact that leaves of S. marianum did not accumulate silymarin themselves, expanding leaves had the full capacity to convert di-caffeoylquinic acid to silymarin complex. This was proven by HPLC separations coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) analysis. Soaking the leaf discs with S. marianum callus extract for different times revealed that silymarin derivatives had been formed at high yield after 16 h. Bioconverted products displayed the same retention time and the same mass spectra (MS or MS/MS) as standard silymarin. Bioconversion was achieved only when using leaves of a specific age, as both very young and old leaves failed to produce silymarin from callus extract. Only medium leaves had the metabolic capacity to convert callus components into silymarin. The results revealed higher activities of enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway in medium leaves than in young and old leaves. It is concluded that cotyledon-derived callus efficiently produces compounds that can be bio-converted to flavonolignans in leaves tissue of S. marianum.
International journal of molecular sciences
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Gad D, El-Shora H, Fraternale D, Maricchiolo E, Pompa A, Dietz K-J. Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds. International journal of molecular sciences. 2021;22(4): 2149.
Gad, D., El-Shora, H., Fraternale, D., Maricchiolo, E., Pompa, A., & Dietz, K. - J. (2021). Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(4), 2149.
Gad, Dina, El-Shora, Hamed, Fraternale, Daniele, Maricchiolo, Elisa, Pompa, Andrea, and Dietz, Karl-Josef. 2021. “Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds”. International journal of molecular sciences 22 (4): 2149.
Gad, D., El-Shora, H., Fraternale, D., Maricchiolo, E., Pompa, A., and Dietz, K. - J. (2021). Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds. International journal of molecular sciences 22:2149.
Gad, D., et al., 2021. Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds. International journal of molecular sciences, 22(4): 2149.
D. Gad, et al., “Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds”, International journal of molecular sciences, vol. 22, 2021, : 2149.
Gad, D., El-Shora, H., Fraternale, D., Maricchiolo, E., Pompa, A., Dietz, K.-J.: Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds. International journal of molecular sciences. 22, : 2149 (2021).
Gad, Dina, El-Shora, Hamed, Fraternale, Daniele, Maricchiolo, Elisa, Pompa, Andrea, and Dietz, Karl-Josef. “Bioconversion of Callus-Produced Precursors to Silymarin Derivatives in Silybum marianum Leaves for the Production of Bioactive Compounds”. International journal of molecular sciences 22.4 (2021): 2149.
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