Management of autoimmune encephalitis

Bien C (2021)
Current opinion in neurology.

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Abstract / Bemerkung
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Autoimmune encephalitides are established diagnoses in contemporary neurology. Their management poses a regular challenge for almost all neurologists. One may ask if the concept of 1st line and 2nd line treatment is still up to date, which new data on the antibody-defined encephalitis types exist, and how to organize long-term management.; RECENT FINDINGS: The 1st line/2nd line concept of initial immunological intervention is accepted worldwide. A randomized controlled trial confirmed that one 1st line compound (intravenous immunoglobulins) is superior to a placebo in patients with antibodies against leucine-rich glioma inactivated protein 1. Rituximab, a 2nd line compound, is increasingly and apparently successfully used in treating different types of autoimmune encephalitis. It may find its place even earlier in the treatment cascade. Long-term management needs to be improved and is under development.; SUMMARY: There have been no groundbreaking new developments in the field. The published experience confirms existing suggestions. Aspects of long-term management including rehabilitation measures and counseling about driving eligibility require further research. Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights resereved.
Current opinion in neurology
Page URI


Bien C. Management of autoimmune encephalitis. Current opinion in neurology. 2021.
Bien, C. (2021). Management of autoimmune encephalitis. Current opinion in neurology.
Bien, Christian. 2021. “Management of autoimmune encephalitis”. Current opinion in neurology.
Bien, C. (2021). Management of autoimmune encephalitis. Current opinion in neurology.
Bien, C., 2021. Management of autoimmune encephalitis. Current opinion in neurology.
C. Bien, “Management of autoimmune encephalitis”, Current opinion in neurology, 2021.
Bien, C.: Management of autoimmune encephalitis. Current opinion in neurology. (2021).
Bien, Christian. “Management of autoimmune encephalitis”. Current opinion in neurology (2021).

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