Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE

Dreyer A, Treffon P, Basiry D, Jozefowicz AM, Matros A, Mock H-P, Dietz K-J (2021)
Antioxidants 10(2): 152.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 2.31 MB
Dreyer, AnnaUniBi ; Treffon, PatrickUniBi; Basiry, Daniel; Jozefowicz, Anna Maria; Matros, Andrea; Mock, Hans-Peter; Dietz, Karl-JosefUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Peroxiredoxins (PRX) are thiol peroxidases that are highly conserved throughout all biological kingdoms. Increasing evidence suggests that their high reactivity toward peroxides has a function not only in antioxidant defense but in particular in redox regulation of the cell. Peroxiredoxin IIE (PRX-IIE) is one of three PRX types found in plastids and has previously been linked to pathogen defense and protection from protein nitration. However, its posttranslational regulation and its function in the chloroplast protein network remained to be explored. Using recombinant protein, it was shown that the peroxidatic Cys121 is subjected to multiple posttranslational modifications, namely disulfide formation, S-nitrosation, S-glutathionylation, and hyperoxidation. Slightly oxidized glutathione fostered S-glutathionylation and inhibited activity in vitro. Immobilized recombinant PRX-IIE allowed trapping and subsequent identification of interaction partners by mass spectrometry. Interaction with the 14-3-3 υ protein was confirmed in vitro and was shown to be stimulated under oxidizing conditions. Interactions did not depend on phosphorylation as revealed by testing phospho-mimicry variants of PRX-IIE. Based on these data it is proposed that 14-3-3υ guides PRX‑IIE to certain target proteins, possibly for redox regulation. These findings together with the other identified potential interaction partners of type II PRXs localized to plastids, mitochondria, and cytosol provide a new perspective on the redox regulatory network of the cell.
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Dreyer A, Treffon P, Basiry D, et al. Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE. Antioxidants. 2021;10(2): 152.
Dreyer, A., Treffon, P., Basiry, D., Jozefowicz, A. M., Matros, A., Mock, H. - P., & Dietz, K. - J. (2021). Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE. Antioxidants, 10(2), 152.
Dreyer, Anna, Treffon, Patrick, Basiry, Daniel, Jozefowicz, Anna Maria, Matros, Andrea, Mock, Hans-Peter, and Dietz, Karl-Josef. 2021. “Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE”. Antioxidants 10 (2): 152.
Dreyer, A., Treffon, P., Basiry, D., Jozefowicz, A. M., Matros, A., Mock, H. - P., and Dietz, K. - J. (2021). Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE. Antioxidants 10:152.
Dreyer, A., et al., 2021. Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE. Antioxidants, 10(2): 152.
A. Dreyer, et al., “Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE”, Antioxidants, vol. 10, 2021, : 152.
Dreyer, A., Treffon, P., Basiry, D., Jozefowicz, A.M., Matros, A., Mock, H.-P., Dietz, K.-J.: Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE. Antioxidants. 10, : 152 (2021).
Dreyer, Anna, Treffon, Patrick, Basiry, Daniel, Jozefowicz, Anna Maria, Matros, Andrea, Mock, Hans-Peter, and Dietz, Karl-Josef. “Function and Regulation of Chloroplast Peroxiredoxin IIE”. Antioxidants 10.2 (2021): 152.
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