Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training)
Schlarb A, Schulte H, Selbmann A, Och ID (2020)
Somnologie 24(4): 259-266.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Schlarb, AngelikaUniBi;
Schulte, Hannah;
Selbmann, Anika;
Och, Ina DesireeUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Background: Due to the SARS-CoV‑2 crisis, online adaptation of sleep trainings is necessary. As sleep disturbances in school children are common, prevention of chronification is essential. The aim of this study was to adapt an established age-oriented cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) group training for 5-10-year-old children with insomnia and their parents to an online version (group iCBT-I).; Methods: The adaptation procedure and structure of the iCBT‑I are described. To assess acceptance the Online Sleep Treatment Acceptance questionnaire (OSTA) and the Online Sleep Treatment Feedback questionnaire (OSTF) were implemented. In addition, trainers filled in the Adherence and Feasibility Questionnaire for Online Sleep Treatment (AFOST). Sleep problems were assessed using a structured interview for sleep disorders in children and clinical interview, and the Children's Sleep Habit Questionnaire (CSHQ-DE). Emotional problems were evaluated with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL4-18).; Results: This pilot study included 12parents and 6children fulfilling insomnia criteria prior to online training. The adapted online version consisted of three parental sessions, whereas child-oriented sessions were transferred into videoclips. The new group iCBT‑I was well accepted by parents. Parents scored the online version as helpful and time saving based on the OSTA and trainers estimated the adapted version to be feasible and effective. According to AFOST, adherence was given. After training, 67% of children showed reduced sleep problems according to parental rating.; Conclusion: Parental acceptance of agroup iCBT‑I for school children and their parents was very good and parents scored the videos for their children as very helpful. Trainers declared the adapted version to be feasible. Afurther study with alarger sample is necessary. © The Author(s) 2020.
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Page URI
Schlarb A, Schulte H, Selbmann A, Och ID. Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training). Somnologie. 2020;24(4):259-266.
Schlarb, A., Schulte, H., Selbmann, A., & Och, I. D. (2020). Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training). Somnologie, 24(4), 259-266.
Schlarb, Angelika, Schulte, Hannah, Selbmann, Anika, and Och, Ina Desiree. 2020. “Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training)”. Somnologie 24 (4): 259-266.
Schlarb, A., Schulte, H., Selbmann, A., and Och, I. D. (2020). Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training). Somnologie 24, 259-266.
Schlarb, A., et al., 2020. Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training). Somnologie, 24(4), p 259-266.
A. Schlarb, et al., “Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training)”, Somnologie, vol. 24, 2020, pp. 259-266.
Schlarb, A., Schulte, H., Selbmann, A., Och, I.D.: Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training). Somnologie. 24, 259-266 (2020).
Schlarb, Angelika, Schulte, Hannah, Selbmann, Anika, and Och, Ina Desiree. “Online cognitive behavioral grouptherapy (iCBT-I) for insomnia for school children and their parents. Adaptation of an established treatment (KiSS training)”. Somnologie 24.4 (2020): 259-266.
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