RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing

Köster T, Staiger D (2021)
In: Arabidopsis Protocols . Sanchez-Serrano JJ, Salinas J (Eds); Methods in molecular biology , 2200. New York: Humana: 453-461.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Sanchez-Serrano, José J.; Salinas, Julio
Abstract / Bemerkung
The RNA-binding proteome plays a key role in controlling every step in the life of RNA molecules. Through interaction with dedicated sequence motifs, RNA-binding proteins coordinate processing of cohorts of genes. Understanding such posttranscriptional networks controlled by an RNA-binding protein requires a comprehensive identification of its in vivo targets. In Arabidopsis thaliana, RNA immunoprecipitation followed by reverse transcription-PCR has been widely used to test the association of candidate targets with RNA-binding proteins. The detection of unknown target transcripts requires methods operating at the level of the entire transcriptome. Here, we describe a protocol for RNA immunoprecipitation coupled to the generation of libraries from the co-purified RNAs for high-throughput sequencing. This allows determining RNAs associated with RNA-binding proteins in planta at a global scale.
Arabidopsis Protocols
Methods in molecular biology
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Köster T, Staiger D. RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing. In: Sanchez-Serrano JJ, Salinas J, eds. Arabidopsis Protocols . Methods in molecular biology . Vol 2200. New York: Humana; 2021: 453-461.
Köster, T., & Staiger, D. (2021). RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing. In J. J. Sanchez-Serrano & J. Salinas (Eds.), Methods in molecular biology : Vol. 2200. Arabidopsis Protocols (pp. 453-461). New York: Humana. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-0880-7_23
Köster, Tino, and Staiger, Dorothee. 2021. “RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing”. In Arabidopsis Protocols , ed. José J. Sanchez-Serrano and Julio Salinas, 2200:453-461. Methods in molecular biology . New York: Humana.
Köster, T., and Staiger, D. (2021). “RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing” in Arabidopsis Protocols , Sanchez-Serrano, J. J., and Salinas, J. eds. Methods in molecular biology , vol. 2200, (New York: Humana), 453-461.
Köster, T., & Staiger, D., 2021. RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing. In J. J. Sanchez-Serrano & J. Salinas, eds. Arabidopsis Protocols . Methods in molecular biology . no.2200 New York: Humana, pp. 453-461.
T. Köster and D. Staiger, “RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing”, Arabidopsis Protocols , J.J. Sanchez-Serrano and J. Salinas, eds., Methods in molecular biology , vol. 2200, New York: Humana, 2021, pp.453-461.
Köster, T., Staiger, D.: RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing. In: Sanchez-Serrano, J.J. and Salinas, J. (eds.) Arabidopsis Protocols . Methods in molecular biology . 2200, p. 453-461. Humana, New York (2021).
Köster, Tino, and Staiger, Dorothee. “RNA-Binding Protein Immunoprecipitation and High-Throughput Sequencing”. Arabidopsis Protocols . Ed. José J. Sanchez-Serrano and Julio Salinas. New York: Humana, 2021.Vol. 2200. Methods in molecular biology . 453-461.

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