Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla.

Kaaniche F, Hamed A, Abdel-Razek AS, Wibberg D, El Euch IZ, Abdissa N, Allouche N, Mellouli L, Shaaban M, Sewald N (2019)
PLoS ONE 14(6): E0217627.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 911.23 KB
Kaaniche, Fatma; Hamed, Abdelaaty; Abdel-Razek, Ahmed S; Wibberg, DanielUniBi; El Euch, Imene Zendah; Abdissa, Negera; Allouche, Noureddine; Mellouli, Lotfi; Shaaban, Mohamed; Sewald, NorbertUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Over the last decades, endophytic fungi represent a new source of pharmacologically active secondary metabolites based on the underlying assumption that they live symbiotically within their plant host. In the present study, a new endophytic fungus was isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla, a medicinal plant from Cameroon. The fungus showed a highest homology to Curvularia sp. based on complete nucleotide sequence data generated from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA region. Large scale fermentation, working-up and separation of the strain extract using different chromatographic techniques afforded three bioactive compounds: 2'-deoxyribolactone (1), hexylitaconic acid (2) and ergosterol (3). The chemical structures of compounds 1-3 were confirmed by 1 and 2D NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, and comparison with corresponding literature data. Biologically, the antimicrobial, antioxidant activities and the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory of the isolated compounds were studied.
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Kaaniche F, Hamed A, Abdel-Razek AS, et al. Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla. PLoS ONE. 2019;14(6): E0217627.
Kaaniche, F., Hamed, A., Abdel-Razek, A. S., Wibberg, D., El Euch, I. Z., Abdissa, N., Allouche, N., et al. (2019). Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla. PLoS ONE, 14(6), E0217627. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0217627
Kaaniche, Fatma, Hamed, Abdelaaty, Abdel-Razek, Ahmed S, Wibberg, Daniel, El Euch, Imene Zendah, Abdissa, Negera, Allouche, Noureddine, Mellouli, Lotfi, Shaaban, Mohamed, and Sewald, Norbert. 2019. “Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla.”. PLoS ONE 14 (6): E0217627.
Kaaniche, F., Hamed, A., Abdel-Razek, A. S., Wibberg, D., El Euch, I. Z., Abdissa, N., Allouche, N., Mellouli, L., Shaaban, M., and Sewald, N. (2019). Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla. PLoS ONE 14:E0217627.
Kaaniche, F., et al., 2019. Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla. PLoS ONE, 14(6): E0217627.
F. Kaaniche, et al., “Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla.”, PLoS ONE, vol. 14, 2019, : E0217627.
Kaaniche, F., Hamed, A., Abdel-Razek, A.S., Wibberg, D., El Euch, I.Z., Abdissa, N., Allouche, N., Mellouli, L., Shaaban, M., Sewald, N.: Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla. PLoS ONE. 14, : E0217627 (2019).
Kaaniche, Fatma, Hamed, Abdelaaty, Abdel-Razek, Ahmed S, Wibberg, Daniel, El Euch, Imene Zendah, Abdissa, Negera, Allouche, Noureddine, Mellouli, Lotfi, Shaaban, Mohamed, and Sewald, Norbert. “Bioactive secondary metabolites from new endophytic fungus Curvularia. sp isolated from Rauwolfia macrophylla.”. PLoS ONE 14.6 (2019): E0217627.
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