Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL
Meyer F, Bremges A, Belmann P, Janssen S, McHardy AC, Koslicki D (2019)
Genome biology 20(1): 51.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Meyer, Fernando;
Bremges, Andreas;
Belmann, PeterUniBi;
Janssen, StefanUniBi
McHardy, Alice C;
Koslicki, David

Abstract / Bemerkung
The explosive growth in taxonomic metagenome profiling methods over the past years has created a need for systematic comparisons using relevant performance criteria. The Open-community Profiling Assessment tooL (OPAL) implements commonly used performance metrics, including those of the first challenge of the initiative for the Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation (CAMI), together with convenient visualizations. In addition, we perform in-depth performance comparisons with seven profilers on datasets of CAMI and the Human Microbiome Project. OPAL is freely available at .
Genome biology
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Meyer F, Bremges A, Belmann P, Janssen S, McHardy AC, Koslicki D. Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL. Genome biology. 2019;20(1): 51.
Meyer, F., Bremges, A., Belmann, P., Janssen, S., McHardy, A. C., & Koslicki, D. (2019). Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL. Genome biology, 20(1), 51.
Meyer, Fernando, Bremges, Andreas, Belmann, Peter, Janssen, Stefan, McHardy, Alice C, and Koslicki, David. 2019. “Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL”. Genome biology 20 (1): 51.
Meyer, F., Bremges, A., Belmann, P., Janssen, S., McHardy, A. C., and Koslicki, D. (2019). Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL. Genome biology 20:51.
Meyer, F., et al., 2019. Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL. Genome biology, 20(1): 51.
F. Meyer, et al., “Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL”, Genome biology, vol. 20, 2019, : 51.
Meyer, F., Bremges, A., Belmann, P., Janssen, S., McHardy, A.C., Koslicki, D.: Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL. Genome biology. 20, : 51 (2019).
Meyer, Fernando, Bremges, Andreas, Belmann, Peter, Janssen, Stefan, McHardy, Alice C, and Koslicki, David. “Assessing taxonomic metagenome profilers with OPAL”. Genome biology 20.1 (2019): 51.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Methe BA, Nelson KE, Pop M, Creasy HH, Giglio MG, Huttenhower C, Gevers D, Petrosino JF, Abubucker S, Badger JH, Chinwalla AT, Earl AM, FitzGerald MG, Fulton RS, Hallsworth-Pepin K, Lobos EA, Madupu R, Magrini V, Martin JC, Mitreva M, Muzny DM, Sodergren EJ, Versalovic J, Wollam AM, Worley KC, Wortman JR, Young SK, Zeng Q, Aagaard KM, Abolude OO, Allen-Vercoe E, Alm EJ, Alvarado L, Andersen GL, Anderson S, Appelbaum E, Arachchi HM, Armitage G, Arze CA, Ayvaz T, Baker CC, Begg L, Belachew T, Bhonagiri V, Bihan M, Blaser MJ, Bloom T, Bonazzi VR, Brooks P, Buck GA, Buhay CJ, Busam DA, Campbell JL, Canon SR, Cantarel BL, Chain PS, Chen IM, Chen L, Chhibba S, Chu K, Ciulla DM, Clemente JC, Clifton SW, Conlan S, Crabtree J, Cutting MA, Davidovics NJ, Davis CC, DeSantis TZ, Deal C, Delehaunty KD, Dewhirst FE, Deych E, Ding Y, Dooling DJ, Dugan SP, Dunne W Jr, Durkin A, Edgar RC, Erlich RL, Farmer CN, Farrell RM, Faust K, Feldgarden M, Felix VM, Fisher S, Fodor AA, Forney L, Foster L, Di Francesco V, Friedman J, Friedrich DC, Fronick CC, Fulton LL, Gao H, Garcia N, Giannoukos G, Giblin C, Giovanni MY, Goldberg JM, Goll J, Gonzalez A, Griggs A, Gujja S, Haas BJ, Hamilton HA, Harris EL, Hepburn TA, Herter B, Hoffmann DE, Holder ME, Howarth C, Huang KH, Huse SM, Izard J, Jansson JK, Jiang H, Jordan C, Joshi V, Katancik JA, Keitel WA, Kelley ST, Kells C, Kinder-Haake S, King NB, Knight R, Knights D, Kong HH, Koren O, Koren S, Kota KC, Kovar CL, Kyrpides NC, La Rosa PS, Lee SL, Lemon KP, Lennon N, Lewis CM, Lewis L, Ley RE, Li K, Liolios K, Liu B, Liu Y, Lo CC, Lozupone CA, Lunsford R, Madden T, Mahurkar AA, Mannon PJ, Mardis ER, Markowitz VM, Mavrommatis K, McCorrison JM, McDonald D, McEwen J, McGuire AL, McInnes P, Mehta T, Mihindukulasuriya KA, Miller JR, Minx PJ, Newsham I, Nusbaum C, O'Laughlin M, Orvis J, Pagani I, Palaniappan K, Patel SM, Pearson M, Peterson J, Podar M, Pohl C, Pollard KS, Priest ME, Proctor LM, Qin X, Raes J, Ravel J, Reid JG, Rho M, Rhodes R, Riehle KP, Rivera MC, Rodriguez-Mueller B, Rogers YH, Ross MC, Russ C, Sanka RK, Sankar P, Sathirapongsasuti J, Schloss JA, Schloss PD, Schmidt TM, Scholz M, Schriml L, Schubert AM, Segata N, Segre JA, Shannon WD, Sharp RR, Sharpton TJ, Shenoy N, Sheth NU, Simone GA, Singh I, Smillie CS, Sobel JD, Sommer DD, Spicer P, Sutton GG, Sykes SM, Tabbaa DG, Thiagarajan M, Tomlinson CM, Torralba M, Treangen TJ, Truty RM, Vishnivetskaya TA, Walker J, Wang L, Wang Z, Ward DV, Warren W, Watson MA, Wellington C, Wetterstrand KA, White JR, Wilczek-Boney K, Wu YQ, Wylie KM, Wylie T, Yandava C, Ye L, Ye Y, Yooseph S, Youmans BP, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Zhu Y, Zoloth L, Zucker JD, Birren BW, Gibbs RA, Highlander SK, Weinstock GM, Wilson RK, White O., Nature 486(7402), 2012
PMID: 22699610
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