Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy

Labudda K, Frauenheim M, Illies D, Miller I, Schrecke M, Vietmeier N, Brandt C, Bien C (2018)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Labudda, KirstenUniBi; Frauenheim, Michael; Illies, DominikUniBi; Miller, Inga; Schrecke, Mario; Vietmeier, Nadine; Brandt, Christian; Bien, ChristianUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Several studies found high prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders in patients with pure psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). Traumatic experiences were also reported to be elevated in patients with PNES and were discussed as a crucial risk factor for the development of PNES. Much less is known about psychiatric comorbidities and specifically, about trauma history in patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. Here, we aimed at directly comparing psychiatric disorders and traumatic life experiences in patients with pure PNES and in patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. We assessed the presence of current axes I and II disorders in 109 patients with either pure PNES (n = 67) or with PNES + epilepsy (n = 42) by using structured clinical interviews. We also compared the trauma histories by using the posttraumatic diagnostic scale (PDS) as an interview and the extent of physical, sexual, and emotional childhood maltreatment measured with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). Patients of both groups had very high rates of psychiatric disorders: 79.1% of the patients with pure PNES and 76.2% of the patients with PNES + epilepsy had at least one psychiatric disorder. The frequencies of psychiatric disorders did not differ between groups. However, there was a trend towards higher rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in patients with PNES (32.9%) compared with patients with PNES + epilepsy (16.7%). In both groups, the proportion of patients who recalled traumatic events in the PDS was high (72.6% in the patients with pure PNES, 64.3% in the patients with PNES + epilepsy) and did not differ significantly between groups. The age at first traumatization, the types of trauma events experienced, the number of patients with single traumatization, and those with repeated traumatic experiences also did not differ between groups. We found high frequencies of childhood maltreatment in both groups. Our findings show that patients with PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy could neither be differentiated by the amount of psychiatric additional disorders nor by the nature and extent of trauma and maltreatment experiences. Our results suggest that patients with PNES + epilepsy rather resemble patients with pure PNES than patients with epilepsy in respect to psychopathological characteristics and adverse life experiences. Trauma and maltreatment history are therefore assumed to be predisposing factors to PNES in both patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. (C) 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
PNES; Epilepsy; Postrraumatic stress disorder; Psychiatric disorders; Trauma; Maltreatment
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Labudda K, Frauenheim M, Illies D, et al. Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR. 2018;88:41-48.
Labudda, K., Frauenheim, M., Illies, D., Miller, I., Schrecke, M., Vietmeier, N., Brandt, C., et al. (2018). Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, 88, 41-48.
Labudda, Kirsten, Frauenheim, Michael, Illies, Dominik, Miller, Inga, Schrecke, Mario, Vietmeier, Nadine, Brandt, Christian, and Bien, Christian. 2018. “Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy”. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 88: 41-48.
Labudda, K., Frauenheim, M., Illies, D., Miller, I., Schrecke, M., Vietmeier, N., Brandt, C., and Bien, C. (2018). Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 88, 41-48.
Labudda, K., et al., 2018. Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, 88, p 41-48.
K. Labudda, et al., “Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy”, EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR, vol. 88, 2018, pp. 41-48.
Labudda, K., Frauenheim, M., Illies, D., Miller, I., Schrecke, M., Vietmeier, N., Brandt, C., Bien, C.: Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR. 88, 41-48 (2018).
Labudda, Kirsten, Frauenheim, Michael, Illies, Dominik, Miller, Inga, Schrecke, Mario, Vietmeier, Nadine, Brandt, Christian, and Bien, Christian. “Psychiatric disorders and trauma history in patients with pure PNES and patients with PNES and coexisting epilepsy”. EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR 88 (2018): 41-48.


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