SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data

Nattkemper TW, Hattab G (2019)
Bioinformatics 35(10): 1802-1804.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Motivation: Live cell imaging plays a pivotal role in understanding cell growth. Yet, there is a lack of visualization alternatives for quick qualitative characterization of colonies. Results: SeeVis is a Python workflow for automated and qualitative visualization of time-lapse microscopy data. It automatically preprocesses the movie frames, finds particles, traces their trajectories, and visualizes them in a space-time cube offering three different color mappings to highlight different features. It supports the user in developing a mental model for the data. SeeVis completes these steps in 1.15 s/frame and creates a visualization with a selected color mapping.
Bioimage Informatics; Microfluidics
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Nattkemper TW, Hattab G. SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data. Bioinformatics. 2019;35(10):1802-1804.
Nattkemper, T. W., & Hattab, G. (2019). SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data. Bioinformatics, 35(10), 1802-1804.
Nattkemper, Tim Wilhelm, and Hattab, Georges. 2019. “SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data”. Bioinformatics 35 (10): 1802-1804.
Nattkemper, T. W., and Hattab, G. (2019). SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data. Bioinformatics 35, 1802-1804.
Nattkemper, T.W., & Hattab, G., 2019. SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data. Bioinformatics, 35(10), p 1802-1804.
T.W. Nattkemper and G. Hattab, “SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data”, Bioinformatics, vol. 35, 2019, pp. 1802-1804.
Nattkemper, T.W., Hattab, G.: SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data. Bioinformatics. 35, 1802-1804 (2019).
Nattkemper, Tim Wilhelm, and Hattab, Georges. “SeeVis — 3D space-time cube rendering for visualization of microfluidics image data”. Bioinformatics 35.10 (2019): 1802-1804.
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