From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848

Haas A (2016)
In: Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language. Hartner M, Schulte M (Eds); BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies, 5. Bielefeld: Aisthesis: 135-151.

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Hartner, Marcus; Schulte, Marion
Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language.
BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies
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Haas A. From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848. In: Hartner M, Schulte M, eds. Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies. Vol 5. Bielefeld: Aisthesis; 2016: 135-151.
Haas, A. (2016). From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848. In M. Hartner & M. Schulte (Eds.), BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies: Vol. 5. Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language. (pp. 135-151). Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
Haas, Astrid. 2016. “From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848”. In Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language., ed. Marcus Hartner and Marion Schulte, 5:135-151. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
Haas, A. (2016). “From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848” in Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language., Hartner, M., and Schulte, M. eds. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies, vol. 5, (Bielefeld: Aisthesis), 135-151.
Haas, A., 2016. From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848. In M. Hartner & M. Schulte, eds. Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies. no.5 Bielefeld: Aisthesis, pp. 135-151.
A. Haas, “From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848”, Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language., M. Hartner and M. Schulte, eds., BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies, vol. 5, Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2016, pp.135-151.
Haas, A.: From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848. In: Hartner, M. and Schulte, M. (eds.) Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies. 5, p. 135-151. Aisthesis, Bielefeld (2016).
Haas, Astrid. “From Göttingen to Galveston: Travel Writing and German Migration to Texas, 1830-1848”. Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language. Ed. Marcus Hartner and Marion Schulte. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2016.Vol. 5. BEAST: Bielefeld English and American Studies. 135-151.
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Migration in Context. Literature, Culture and Language
Hartner M, Schulte M (Eds) (2016) Bielefelder Schriften zu Linguistik und Literaturwissenschaft; 27, 1st ed.
Bielefeld: Aisthesis.

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