Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques

Schürmann M (2016)

Dissertation | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schürmann, Matthias
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Schürmann M. Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques. Bielefeld; 2016.
Schürmann, M. (2016). Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques. Bielefeld.
Schürmann, Matthias. 2016. Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques. Bielefeld.
Schürmann, M. (2016). Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques. Bielefeld.
Schürmann, M., 2016. Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques, Bielefeld.
M. Schürmann, Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques, Bielefeld: 2016.
Schürmann, M.: Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques. Bielefeld (2016).
Schürmann, Matthias. Controlled differentiation of stem and progenitor cells by physical cues and analysis by novel physical techniques. Bielefeld, 2016.
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