The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation
Dahmen S, Bonvin J-M, Beuret B (2017)
In: Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy. Otto H-U, Edgell V, Bonvin J-M, Atzmüller R (Eds); Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar: 144-159.
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Dahmen, StephanUniBi
Bonvin, Jean-Michel;
Beuret, Benoit

Otto, Hans-Uwe;
Edgell, Valerie;
Bonvin, Jean-Michelk;
Atzmüller, Roland
Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy
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Dahmen S, Bonvin J-M, Beuret B. The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation. In: Otto H-U, Edgell V, Bonvin J-M, Atzmüller R, eds. Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy. Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar; 2017: 144-159.
Dahmen, S., Bonvin, J. - M., & Beuret, B. (2017). The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation. In H. - U. Otto, V. Edgell, J. - M. Bonvin, & R. Atzmüller (Eds.), Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy (pp. 144-159). Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781788110860.00015
Dahmen, Stephan, Bonvin, Jean-Michel, and Beuret, Benoit. 2017. “The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation”. In Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy, ed. Hans-Uwe Otto, Valerie Edgell, Jean-Michelk Bonvin, and Roland Atzmüller, 144-159. Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
Dahmen, S., Bonvin, J. - M., and Beuret, B. (2017). “The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation” in Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy, Otto, H. - U., Edgell, V., Bonvin, J. - M., and Atzmüller, R. eds. (Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar), 144-159.
Dahmen, S., Bonvin, J.-M., & Beuret, B., 2017. The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation. In H. - U. Otto, et al., eds. Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy. Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, pp. 144-159.
S. Dahmen, J.-M. Bonvin, and B. Beuret, “The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation”, Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy, H.-U. Otto, et al., eds., Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2017, pp.144-159.
Dahmen, S., Bonvin, J.-M., Beuret, B.: The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation. In: Otto, H.-U., Edgell, V., Bonvin, J.-M., and Atzmüller, R. (eds.) Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy. p. 144-159. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA (2017).
Dahmen, Stephan, Bonvin, Jean-Michel, and Beuret, Benoit. “The dynamics of youth policies in Switzerland: between participation and activation”. Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy. Ed. Hans-Uwe Otto, Valerie Edgell, Jean-Michelk Bonvin, and Roland Atzmüller. Cheltenham, UK • Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar, 2017. 144-159.