Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology

Baumgart M, Unthan S, Kloss R, Radek A, Polen T, Tenhaef N, Müller MF, Küberl A, Siebert D, Brühl N, Marin K, et al. (2018)
ACS Synthetic Biology 7(1): 132–144.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Baumgart, Meike; Unthan, Simon; Kloss, Ramona; Radek, Andreas; Polen, Tino; Tenhaef, Niklas; Müller, Moritz Fabian; Küberl, Andreas; Siebert, DanielUniBi; Brühl, Natalie; Marin, Kay; Hans, Stephan
Abstract / Bemerkung
Targeted top-down strategies for genome reduction are considered to have a high potential for providing robust basic strains for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. Recently, we created a library of 26 genome-reduced strains of Corynebacterium glutamicum carrying broad deletions in single gene clusters and showing wild-type-like biological fitness. Here, we proceeded with combinatorial deletions of these irrelevant gene clusters in two parallel orders and the resulting library of 28 strains was characterized under various environmental conditions. The final chassis strain C1* carries a genome reduction of 13.4% (412 deleted genes) and shows wild-type-like growth behavior in defined medium with D-glucose as carbon and energy source. Moreover, C1* proves to be robust against several stresses (including oxygen limitation) and shows long-term growth stability under defined and complex medium conditions. In addition to providing a novel prokaryotic chassis strain, our results comprise a large strain library and a revised genome annotation list, which will be valuable sources for future systemic studies of C. glutamicum.
ACS Synthetic Biology
2161-5063, 2161-5063
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Baumgart M, Unthan S, Kloss R, et al. Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2018;7(1):132–144.
Baumgart, M., Unthan, S., Kloss, R., Radek, A., Polen, T., Tenhaef, N., Müller, M. F., et al. (2018). Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. ACS Synthetic Biology, 7(1), 132–144. doi:10.1021/acssynbio.7b00261
Baumgart, Meike, Unthan, Simon, Kloss, Ramona, Radek, Andreas, Polen, Tino, Tenhaef, Niklas, Müller, Moritz Fabian, et al. 2018. “Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology”. ACS Synthetic Biology 7 (1): 132–144.
Baumgart, M., Unthan, S., Kloss, R., Radek, A., Polen, T., Tenhaef, N., Müller, M. F., Küberl, A., Siebert, D., Brühl, N., et al. (2018). Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. ACS Synthetic Biology 7, 132–144.
Baumgart, M., et al., 2018. Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. ACS Synthetic Biology, 7(1), p 132–144.
M. Baumgart, et al., “Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology”, ACS Synthetic Biology, vol. 7, 2018, pp. 132–144.
Baumgart, M., Unthan, S., Kloss, R., Radek, A., Polen, T., Tenhaef, N., Müller, M.F., Küberl, A., Siebert, D., Brühl, N., Marin, K., Hans, S., Krämer, R., Bott, M., Kalinowski, J., Wiechert, W., Seibold, G., Frunzke, J., Rückert, C., Wendisch, V.F., Noack, S.: Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. ACS Synthetic Biology. 7, 132–144 (2018).
Baumgart, Meike, Unthan, Simon, Kloss, Ramona, Radek, Andreas, Polen, Tino, Tenhaef, Niklas, Müller, Moritz Fabian, Küberl, Andreas, Siebert, Daniel, Brühl, Natalie, Marin, Kay, Hans, Stephan, Krämer, Reinhard, Bott, Michael, Kalinowski, Jörn, Wiechert, Wolfgang, Seibold, Gerd, Frunzke, Julia, Rückert, Christian, Wendisch, Volker F., and Noack, Stephan. “Corynebacterium glutamicum chassis C1*: Building and testing a novel platform host for synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology”. ACS Synthetic Biology 7.1 (2018): 132–144.

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