An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution

Sachs CC, Probst C, Grünberger A, Wiechert W, Frunzke J, Kohlheyer D, Nöh K (2016)
Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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Sachs, Christian Carsten; Probst, Christopher; Grünberger, AlexanderUniBi; Wiechert, Wolfgang; Frunzke, Julia; Kohlheyer, Dietrich; Nöh, Katharina
DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016'
Frankfurt, Germany
2016-06-02 – 2016-06-03
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Sachs CC, Probst C, Grünberger A, et al. An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany.
Sachs, C. C., Probst, C., Grünberger, A., Wiechert, W., Frunzke, J., Kohlheyer, D., & Nöh, K. (2016). An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany.
Sachs, Christian Carsten, Probst, Christopher, Grünberger, Alexander, Wiechert, Wolfgang, Frunzke, Julia, Kohlheyer, Dietrich, and Nöh, Katharina. 2016. “An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution”. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany .
Sachs, C. C., Probst, C., Grünberger, A., Wiechert, W., Frunzke, J., Kohlheyer, D., and Nöh, K. (2016).“An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution”. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany.
Sachs, C.C., et al., 2016. An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany.
C.C. Sachs, et al., “An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution”, Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany, 2016.
Sachs, C.C., Probst, C., Grünberger, A., Wiechert, W., Frunzke, J., Kohlheyer, D., Nöh, K.: An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany (2016).
Sachs, Christian Carsten, Probst, Christopher, Grünberger, Alexander, Wiechert, Wolfgang, Frunzke, Julia, Kohlheyer, Dietrich, and Nöh, Katharina. “An integrated platform for dynamic microfluidic experimentation with single-cell resolution”. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung 'Single Cell Technologies 2016', Frankfurt, Germany, 2016.

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