Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation

Sachs CC, Grünberger A, Probst C, Wiechert W, Kohlheyer D, Nöh K (2017)
Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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Sachs, Christian Carsten; Grünberger, AlexanderUniBi; Probst, Christopher; Wiechert, Wolfgang; Kohlheyer, Dietrich; Nöh, Katharina
DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology"
Frankfurt, Germany
2017-05-02 – 2017-05-03
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Sachs CC, Grünberger A, Probst C, Wiechert W, Kohlheyer D, Nöh K. Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany.
Sachs, C. C., Grünberger, A., Probst, C., Wiechert, W., Kohlheyer, D., & Nöh, K. (2017). Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany.
Sachs, Christian Carsten, Grünberger, Alexander, Probst, Christopher, Wiechert, Wolfgang, Kohlheyer, Dietrich, and Nöh, Katharina. 2017. “Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation”. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany .
Sachs, C. C., Grünberger, A., Probst, C., Wiechert, W., Kohlheyer, D., and Nöh, K. (2017).“Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation”. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany.
Sachs, C.C., et al., 2017. Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany.
C.C. Sachs, et al., “Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation”, Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany, 2017.
Sachs, C.C., Grünberger, A., Probst, C., Wiechert, W., Kohlheyer, D., Nöh, K.: Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany (2017).
Sachs, Christian Carsten, Grünberger, Alexander, Probst, Christopher, Wiechert, Wolfgang, Kohlheyer, Dietrich, and Nöh, Katharina. “Integrated High-Throughput Platform for Microfluidic Live-Cell Analysis with Feed-Back Eyperimentation”. Presented at the DECHEMA-Tagung "Systems Biology meets Synthetic Biology", Frankfurt, Germany, 2017.

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