Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease.

Tokovenko B, Rückert C, Kalinowski J, Mohammadipanah F, Wink J, Rosenkränzer B, Myronovskyi M, Luzhetskyy A (2017)
Genome Announc 5(20): e00362-17.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Englisch
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Tokovenko, B; Rückert, ChristianUniBi ; Kalinowski, JörnUniBi; Mohammadipanah, F; Wink, J; Rosenkränzer, B; Myronovskyi, M; Luzhetskyy, A
Abstract / Bemerkung
The genome sequence of alkalohalophilic actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 is provided. N. sinuspersici UTMC102 produces a highly active serine alkaline protease, and contains at least 11 gene clusters encoding the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. The N. sinuspersici UTMC102 genome was assembled into a single chromosomal scaffold.
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Tokovenko B, Rückert C, Kalinowski J, et al. Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease. Genome Announc. 2017;5(20): e00362-17.
Tokovenko, B., Rückert, C., Kalinowski, J., Mohammadipanah, F., Wink, J., Rosenkränzer, B., Myronovskyi, M., et al. (2017). Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease. Genome Announc, 5(20), e00362-17. doi:10.1128/genomea.00362-17
Tokovenko, B, Rückert, Christian, Kalinowski, Jörn, Mohammadipanah, F, Wink, J, Rosenkränzer, B, Myronovskyi, M, and Luzhetskyy, A. 2017. “Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease.”. Genome Announc 5 (20): e00362-17.
Tokovenko, B., Rückert, C., Kalinowski, J., Mohammadipanah, F., Wink, J., Rosenkränzer, B., Myronovskyi, M., and Luzhetskyy, A. (2017). Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease. Genome Announc 5:e00362-17.
Tokovenko, B., et al., 2017. Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease. Genome Announc, 5(20): e00362-17.
B. Tokovenko, et al., “Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease.”, Genome Announc, vol. 5, 2017, : e00362-17.
Tokovenko, B., Rückert, C., Kalinowski, J., Mohammadipanah, F., Wink, J., Rosenkränzer, B., Myronovskyi, M., Luzhetskyy, A.: Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease. Genome Announc. 5, : e00362-17 (2017).
Tokovenko, B, Rückert, Christian, Kalinowski, Jörn, Mohammadipanah, F, Wink, J, Rosenkränzer, B, Myronovskyi, M, and Luzhetskyy, A. “Complete Draft Genome Sequence of the Actinobacterium Nocardiopsis sinuspersici UTMC102 (DSM 45277T), Which Produces Serine Protease.”. Genome Announc 5.20 (2017): e00362-17.

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