The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells

Steffens T, Duda K, Lindner B, Vorhölter F-J, Bednarz H, Niehaus K, Holst O (2017)
GLYCOBIOLOGY 27(3): 264-274.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Steffens, TimUniBi; Duda, Katarzyna; Lindner, Buko; Vorhölter, Frank-JörgUniBi; Bednarz, Hanna; Niehaus, KarstenUniBi; Holst, Otto
Abstract / Bemerkung
Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens (Xtt) is a Gram-negative pathogen of crops from the plant family Poaceae. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Xtt was isolated and chemically characterized. The analyses revealed the presence of rhamnose, xylose, mannose, glucose, galacturonic acid, phosphates, 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulopyranosonic acid (Kdo) and fatty acids (10:0, 11:0, 11:0(3-OH) i/a, 11:0(3-OH), 12:0(3-OH) i/a, 12:0(3-OH), 12:0, 13:0(3-OH) i, 13:0(3-OH) a, 13:0(3-OH), 14:0(3-OH) i/a, 14:0(3-OH) and 16:0). The rough type of LPS (lipooligosaccharides; LOS) was isolated and its composition determined utilizing mass spectrometry. The structure of core-lipid A backbone was revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy performed on O-deacylated LOS sample, and was shown to be:alpha-D-Manp-(1 -> 3)-alpha-D-Manp-(1 -> 3)-beta-D-Glcp-(1 -> 4)-alpha-D-Manp-(1 -> 5)-alpha-Kdo-(2 -> 6)-beta-D-GlcpN-(1 -> 6)-alpha-D-GlcpN. 4-alpha-Man and Kdo were further substituted via phosphodiester groups by two galactopyranuronic acids. Xtt LPS elicited a stress response in Nicotiana tabacum suspension cell cultures, namely a transient calcium signal and the generation of H2O2 was observed. Pharmacological studies indicated the involvement of plasma membrane calcium channels, kinases and phospholipase C as key factors in Xtt LPS induced pathogen signaling.
lipopolysaccharide; LPS receptor; OxPapc; plant signaling; Xanthomonas
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Steffens T, Duda K, Lindner B, et al. The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY. 2017;27(3):264-274.
Steffens, T., Duda, K., Lindner, B., Vorhölter, F. - J., Bednarz, H., Niehaus, K., & Holst, O. (2017). The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY, 27(3), 264-274. doi:10.1093/glycob/cww093
Steffens, Tim, Duda, Katarzyna, Lindner, Buko, Vorhölter, Frank-Jörg, Bednarz, Hanna, Niehaus, Karsten, and Holst, Otto. 2017. “The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells”. GLYCOBIOLOGY 27 (3): 264-274.
Steffens, T., Duda, K., Lindner, B., Vorhölter, F. - J., Bednarz, H., Niehaus, K., and Holst, O. (2017). The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY 27, 264-274.
Steffens, T., et al., 2017. The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY, 27(3), p 264-274.
T. Steffens, et al., “The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells”, GLYCOBIOLOGY, vol. 27, 2017, pp. 264-274.
Steffens, T., Duda, K., Lindner, B., Vorhölter, F.-J., Bednarz, H., Niehaus, K., Holst, O.: The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells. GLYCOBIOLOGY. 27, 264-274 (2017).
Steffens, Tim, Duda, Katarzyna, Lindner, Buko, Vorhölter, Frank-Jörg, Bednarz, Hanna, Niehaus, Karsten, and Holst, Otto. “The lipopolysaccharide of the crop pathogen Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens: chemical characterization and determination of signaling events in plant cells”. GLYCOBIOLOGY 27.3 (2017): 264-274.

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