Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees

Dürr V, Walter T, Würth S, Schmidt FP, Botsch M (2016)
In: Proc.German Zool.Soc. Proc.German Zool.Soc. Kiel: PP-NB-17.

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Proc.German Zool.Soc.
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Proc.German Zool.Soc.
109th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG)
2016-09-14 – 2016-09-17
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Dürr V, Walter T, Würth S, Schmidt FP, Botsch M. Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees. In: Proc.German Zool.Soc. Proc.German Zool.Soc. Kiel; 2016: PP-NB-17.
Dürr, V., Walter, T., Würth, S., Schmidt, F. P., & Botsch, M. (2016). Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees. Proc.German Zool.Soc., Proc.German Zool.Soc., PP-NB-17. Kiel.
Dürr, Volker, Walter, Tristan, Würth, Simon, Schmidt, Florian Paul, and Botsch, Mario. 2016. “Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees”. In Proc.German Zool.Soc., PP-NB-17. Proc.German Zool.Soc. Kiel.
Dürr, V., Walter, T., Würth, S., Schmidt, F. P., and Botsch, M. (2016). “Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees” in Proc.German Zool.Soc. Proc.German Zool.Soc. (Kiel), PP-NB-17.
Dürr, V., et al., 2016. Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees. In Proc.German Zool.Soc. Proc.German Zool.Soc. Kiel, pp. PP-NB-17.
V. Dürr, et al., “Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees”, Proc.German Zool.Soc., Proc.German Zool.Soc., Kiel: 2016, pp.PP-NB-17.
Dürr, V., Walter, T., Würth, S., Schmidt, F.P., Botsch, M.: Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees. Proc.German Zool.Soc. Proc.German Zool.Soc. p. PP-NB-17. Kiel (2016).
Dürr, Volker, Walter, Tristan, Würth, Simon, Schmidt, Florian Paul, and Botsch, Mario. “Marker-less motion capture of antennal movements in honeybees and bumblebees”. Proc.German Zool.Soc. Kiel, 2016. Proc.German Zool.Soc. PP-NB-17.

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