Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase

Dhamale OP, Lawrence R, Wiegmann E, Shah BA, Al-Mafraji K, Lamanna WC, Lübke T, Dierks T, Boons G-J, Esko JD (2017)
ACS Chemical Biology 12(2): 367-373.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Dhamale, Omkar P.; Lawrence, Roger; Wiegmann, ElenaUniBi; Shah, Bhawal A.; Al-Mafraji, Kanar; Lamanna, William C.; Lübke, TorbenUniBi ; Dierks, ThomasUniBi; Boons, Geert-Jan; Esko, Jeffrey D.
Abstract / Bemerkung
The degradation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) involves a series of exolytic glycosidases and sulfatases that act sequentially on the nonreducing end of the polysaccharide chain. Enzymes have been cloned that catalyze all of the known linkages with the exception of the removal of the 2-O-sulfate group from 2-sulfoglucuronate, which is found in heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate. Here, we show using synthetic disaccharide substrates that arylsulfatase K is the glucuronate-2-sulfatase. Arylsulfatase K acts selectively on 2-sulfoglucuronate and lacks activity against 2-sulfoiduronate, whereas iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS) desulfates synthetic disaccharides containing 2-sulfoiduronate but not 2-sulfoglucuronate. As arylsulfatase K has all of the properties expected of a lysosomal enzyme, we conclude that arylsulfatase K is the long sought lysosomal glucuronate-2-sulfatase, which we designate GDS.
ACS Chemical Biology
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Dhamale OP, Lawrence R, Wiegmann E, et al. Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase. ACS Chemical Biology. 2017;12(2):367-373.
Dhamale, O. P., Lawrence, R., Wiegmann, E., Shah, B. A., Al-Mafraji, K., Lamanna, W. C., Lübke, T., et al. (2017). Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase. ACS Chemical Biology, 12(2), 367-373. doi:10.1021/acschembio.6b01033
Dhamale, Omkar P., Lawrence, Roger, Wiegmann, Elena, Shah, Bhawal A., Al-Mafraji, Kanar, Lamanna, William C., Lübke, Torben, Dierks, Thomas, Boons, Geert-Jan, and Esko, Jeffrey D. 2017. “Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase”. ACS Chemical Biology 12 (2): 367-373.
Dhamale, O. P., Lawrence, R., Wiegmann, E., Shah, B. A., Al-Mafraji, K., Lamanna, W. C., Lübke, T., Dierks, T., Boons, G. - J., and Esko, J. D. (2017). Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase. ACS Chemical Biology 12, 367-373.
Dhamale, O.P., et al., 2017. Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase. ACS Chemical Biology, 12(2), p 367-373.
O.P. Dhamale, et al., “Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase”, ACS Chemical Biology, vol. 12, 2017, pp. 367-373.
Dhamale, O.P., Lawrence, R., Wiegmann, E., Shah, B.A., Al-Mafraji, K., Lamanna, W.C., Lübke, T., Dierks, T., Boons, G.-J., Esko, J.D.: Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase. ACS Chemical Biology. 12, 367-373 (2017).
Dhamale, Omkar P., Lawrence, Roger, Wiegmann, Elena, Shah, Bhawal A., Al-Mafraji, Kanar, Lamanna, William C., Lübke, Torben, Dierks, Thomas, Boons, Geert-Jan, and Esko, Jeffrey D. “Arylsulfatase K is the Lysosomal 2-Sulfoglucuronate Sulfatase”. ACS Chemical Biology 12.2 (2017): 367-373.

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