The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research

Yogeeswaran K, Zlotowski J, Livingstone M, Bartneck C, Sumioka H, Ishiguro H (2016)
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5(2): 29-47.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Yogeeswaran, Kumar; Zlotowski, JakubUniBi; Livingstone, Megan; Bartneck, Christoph; Sumioka, Hidenobu; Ishiguro, Hiroshi
Journal of Human-Robot Interaction
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Yogeeswaran K, Zlotowski J, Livingstone M, Bartneck C, Sumioka H, Ishiguro H. The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction. 2016;5(2):29-47.
Yogeeswaran, K., Zlotowski, J., Livingstone, M., Bartneck, C., Sumioka, H., & Ishiguro, H. (2016). The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 5(2), 29-47.
Yogeeswaran, Kumar, Zlotowski, Jakub, Livingstone, Megan, Bartneck, Christoph, Sumioka, Hidenobu, and Ishiguro, Hiroshi. 2016. “The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research”. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5 (2): 29-47.
Yogeeswaran, K., Zlotowski, J., Livingstone, M., Bartneck, C., Sumioka, H., and Ishiguro, H. (2016). The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5, 29-47.
Yogeeswaran, K., et al., 2016. The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, 5(2), p 29-47.
K. Yogeeswaran, et al., “The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research”, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, vol. 5, 2016, pp. 29-47.
Yogeeswaran, K., Zlotowski, J., Livingstone, M., Bartneck, C., Sumioka, H., Ishiguro, H.: The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction. 5, 29-47 (2016).
Yogeeswaran, Kumar, Zlotowski, Jakub, Livingstone, Megan, Bartneck, Christoph, Sumioka, Hidenobu, and Ishiguro, Hiroshi. “The interactive effects of robot anthropomorphism and robot ability on perceived threat and support for robotics research”. Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 5.2 (2016): 29-47.

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