Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“

Eyssel FA, Hegel F (März 2011)
CITEC Newsletter 2011(1).

Zeitungsartikel | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Eyssel FA, Hegel F. Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“. CITEC Newsletter. März 2011;2011(1).
Eyssel, F. A., & Hegel, F. (März 2011). Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“. CITEC Newsletter, 2011(1)
Eyssel, Friederike Anne, and Hegel, Frank. März 2011. “Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“”. CITEC Newsletter 2011 (1).
Eyssel, F. A., and Hegel, F. März 2011 Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“. CITEC Newsletter 2011.
Eyssel, F.A., & Hegel, F., März 2011 Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“. CITEC Newsletter, 2011(1).
F.A. Eyssel and F. Hegel, “Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“”, CITEC Newsletter, vol. 2011, März 2011.
Eyssel, F.A., Hegel, F.: Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“. CITEC Newsletter. 2011, März 2011.
Eyssel, Friederike Anne, and Hegel, Frank. “Do we apply gender-related stereotypes even to robots? Findings from an experiment with the Bielefeld Anthropomorphic head „FloBi“”. CITEC Newsletter 2011.1 (März 2011).

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