The Transparent Cell

Heinz D, Bott M, Kalinowski J, Niefind K, Rakors R, Wendisch VF (2005)
In: BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process. European Commision: 8-15.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Heinz, Dirk; Bott, Michael; Kalinowski, JörnUniBi; Niefind, Karsten; Rakors, Ralf; Wendisch, Volker F.UniBi
BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process
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Heinz D, Bott M, Kalinowski J, Niefind K, Rakors R, Wendisch VF. The Transparent Cell. In: BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process. European Commision; 2005: 8-15.
Heinz, D., Bott, M., Kalinowski, J., Niefind, K., Rakors, R., & Wendisch, V. F. (2005). The Transparent Cell. BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process, 8-15
Heinz, Dirk, Bott, Michael, Kalinowski, Jörn, Niefind, Karsten, Rakors, Ralf, and Wendisch, Volker F. 2005. “The Transparent Cell”. In BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process, 8-15. European Commision.
Heinz, D., Bott, M., Kalinowski, J., Niefind, K., Rakors, R., and Wendisch, V. F. (2005). “The Transparent Cell” in BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process (European Commision), 8-15.
Heinz, D., et al., 2005. The Transparent Cell. In BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process. European Commision, pp. 8-15.
D. Heinz, et al., “The Transparent Cell”, BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process, European Commision, 2005, pp.8-15.
Heinz, D., Bott, M., Kalinowski, J., Niefind, K., Rakors, R., Wendisch, V.F.: The Transparent Cell. BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process. p. 8-15. European Commision (2005).
Heinz, Dirk, Bott, Michael, Kalinowski, Jörn, Niefind, Karsten, Rakors, Ralf, and Wendisch, Volker F. “The Transparent Cell”. BIOTECHNOLOGY 2020 – From the Transparent Cell to the Custom-designed Process. European Commision, 2005. 8-15.

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