Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls

Wolter I, Glüer M, Hannover B (2014)
Learning and Individual Differences 31: 59-65.

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Wolter, Ilka; Glüer, MichaelUniBi; Hannover, Bettina
Learning and Individual Differences
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Wolter I, Glüer M, Hannover B. Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls. Learning and Individual Differences. 2014;31:59-65.
Wolter, I., Glüer, M., & Hannover, B. (2014). Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls. Learning and Individual Differences, 31, 59-65. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2013.12.008
Wolter, Ilka, Glüer, Michael, and Hannover, Bettina. 2014. “Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls”. Learning and Individual Differences 31: 59-65.
Wolter, I., Glüer, M., and Hannover, B. (2014). Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls. Learning and Individual Differences 31, 59-65.
Wolter, I., Glüer, M., & Hannover, B., 2014. Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls. Learning and Individual Differences, 31, p 59-65.
I. Wolter, M. Glüer, and B. Hannover, “Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls”, Learning and Individual Differences, vol. 31, 2014, pp. 59-65.
Wolter, I., Glüer, M., Hannover, B.: Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls. Learning and Individual Differences. 31, 59-65 (2014).
Wolter, Ilka, Glüer, Michael, and Hannover, Bettina. “Gender-typicality of activity offerings and child–teacher relationship closeness in German “Kindergarten”. Influences on the development of spelling competence as an indicator of early basic literacy in boys and girls”. Learning and Individual Differences 31 (2014): 59-65.

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