Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology

Grau A, Hövermann A, Winands M, Zick A (2016)
Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity 7(1): 19-31.

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Grau A, Hövermann A, Winands M, Zick A. Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity. 2016;7(1):19-31.
Grau, A., Hövermann, A., Winands, M., & Zick, A. (2016). Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity, 7(1), 19-31.
Grau, Andreas, Hövermann, Andreas, Winands, Martin, and Zick, Andreas. 2016. “Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology”. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity 7 (1): 19-31.
Grau, A., Hövermann, A., Winands, M., and Zick, A. (2016). Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity 7, 19-31.
Grau, A., et al., 2016. Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity, 7(1), p 19-31.
A. Grau, et al., “Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology”, Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity, vol. 7, 2016, pp. 19-31.
Grau, A., Hövermann, A., Winands, M., Zick, A.: Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity. 7, 19-31 (2016).
Grau, Andreas, Hövermann, Andreas, Winands, Martin, and Zick, Andreas. “Football Fans in Germany: A Latent Class Analysis Typology”. Journal of Sporting Cultures and Identity 7.1 (2016): 19-31.

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